You are here: Primary menu > Search > Carriers > Carrier - Names Detail

Carrier Names Detail

  1. On the Primary menu, click SEARCH.
  2. On the search tab, select Carrier in the Entity list. Search for the desired carrier.
  3. Click the Details icon next to the carrier. The CARRIER PROFILE > card file tab is displayed.

  1. Click the carrier name tab. The Carrier Summary screen is displayed.

  1. Click [Add New] to add a new carrier.  To edit a carrier name see Carrier Names Summary.

  1. Complete the Carrier Information:

If this option is not selected, direct bill invoice activity will not be available for reconciliation, receive payment or disbursement. No aspect of the invoice will post to the general ledger.

Note: When selected at the SETUP (global) level, the Re-run download using lenient criteria option will be applied to all carriers regardless of the selections made at the carrier level. To give carriers differing rules, do not select the global option but make selections at each carrier at SEARCH > carrier details > carrier name tab > carrier details > Carrier CD Rule option.

  1. Once the Carrier Information is complete, click [Update]. The Carrier Summary screen will again be displayed.
  2. To add a carrier association to a territory and / or branch, click the Details icon next to the carrier name to associate. The Carrier Information screen is displayed.

  1. Notice at the bottom of the carrier name tab, there is a link to add a new association, this link is only displayed after the carrier name record has been saved once. Click [Add New Association]. The Select Territories and Branches dialog box is displayed.

  1. In the Territory list, select All or the specific Territory to be associated. This list is comprised any territories associated with the logged on staff member. If a specific territory is selected here, the resulting list below will have that territory and its corresponding branches only.

Note: If the staff member is associated only at the branch level, the Territory list will be blank.

  1. Select the territories and branches to be associated, by selecting the check box to the left of the screen. A territory must be selected to enable the check boxes for its branches. The check boxes will not be available if as association has already been added.
  2. In the Branch Code box, a branch code is required to be displayed on the View / Edit Existing Commission screen for the carrier record.
  3. Click OK to save the selected territories and branches. The association is complete. The carrier is now associated with the selected territories and branches.

Note: On the carrier commissions tab, a line item for the branch with zero commission is also added.


Click Cancel to return to the Carrier Information screen without saving selections.

To Edit an Association

  1. On the Primary menu, click SEARCH.
  2. On the search tab, select Carrier in the Entity list. Search for the desired carrier.
  3. Click the Details icon next to the carrier. The CARRIER PROFILE > card file tab is displayed.
  4. Click the carrier name tab.
  5. Click the Details icon next to the appropriate carrier. The Carrier Information screen is displayed.
  6. Click the Details icon next to the association to edit. The edit dialog box is displayed.

  1. The following options are editable:
  1. Click Save to save the updates.


Click Cancel to return to the Carrier Information screen without saving.

To Remove an Association

  1. On the Primary menu, click ORGANIZATION.
  2. Click the territories tab.
  3. Search for and select the appropriate territory by clicking the Details icon next to that territory.
  4. Click the entity associations > carrier associations tab.
  5. Click the Remove icon next to the carrier to be removed.

Related Topics

Adding / Editing Carrier Contacts

Carrier Associations

Locations Detail

Commissions Summary