You are here: Organization Menu > Accounting Summary > Setup > Posting Rules

Posting Rules

Posting rules determine how the organization will post to the general ledger. Posting Rules are set up at two levels in Nexsure:

Global posting rules are set at the organizational level, but can be set differently when a department is added. Once a department has been added, the department-level posting rules can only be changed by replacing the department. Department-level posting rules override global-level posting rules.

To Set Up Global Posting Rules

  1. On the Primary menu , click ORGANIZATION.
  2. Click the accounting > setup > posting rules tab. On the posting rules tab, there are five sub-sections:

  1. Notice the Expand icon and the Close icon in the top, right corner of the policy info screen. Use Expand to open a full screen view of the policy info. Use Close to close the full screen view.
  1. In the Global Invoice General Ledger Posting section there are two options:

If this option is selected, all other activity is disabled including direct bill options.

  1. In the Agency Bill Accounting Method section select the appropriate options as follows:

  1. In the Direct Bill Invoice General Ledger Posting section there are two options that affect direct bill invoice posting for the entire organization: 

Note: If Override by Carrier is not selected after carriers have been set to alternative rules, those rules will revert to match the organization's posting rules.

  1. In the Direct Bill Accounting Method section select the appropriate options as follows: 

Note: If both Default Net and Default Gross are selected, then the policy info billing can be changed.

To Set Up Department Posting Rules

  1. On the Primary menu , click ORGANIZATION. The organization tab is displayed.
  2. In the organization tab, click the departments tab. All departments for the organization are displayed.
  3. In the departments tab, click [Add New]. The Nexsure Accounting > Add New Department dialog box is displayed.

  1. In the Department box, enter a name for the department.
  2. In the Status list, select the status of the department. Selecting Active will make the department available to be used in a branch.
  3. Select Propagate. If this option is checked the department will be assigned to all existing branches regardless of how many region / territory / branch levels exist in the organization. If Propagate is unchecked the new department is added only to the organization level. The department can then be manually assigned it to the desired branches.
  4. In the Description box, enter a description of the department (optional).
  5. In the Department General Ledger Posting Rules box, most selections are identical to those in the global posting rules set up for the organization. There are two sections that are not available at the department level:
  6. Global Invoice General Ledger Posting
  7. Direct Bill Invoice General Ledger Posting

Under the Retail Agent posting rules section, the following two options are set and cannot be changed:

  1. Agency Bill: Realize Cost on Invoiced (Accrual Income)
  2. Direct Bill: Realize Cost as paid (Cash as Received Income)

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