You are here: Primary menu > Search > Retail Agents > Retail Agent Classified Tab

Retail Agent Classified Tab

The retail agent classified tab is available to add classified information to the retail agent record. Classification code descriptions and code designations may be added in SETUP > Lookup Management > Category > Retail Agent.

Quickly navigate to procedures included in this topic by clicking one of the links below:

To Add New Codes

To Remove Codes

To Add New Codes

  1. Locate a retail agent via SEARCH.
  2. Click the Details icon next to the retail agent to update.
  3. Click the classifieds tab. The Classified Summary screen is displayed.

  1. Click the Details icon to edit an existing code, or click [Add New]. The Account Level Code Classes & Designations screen is displayed.

  1. In the Code Description list, select a description for the classified information. The available selections can be added or edited in SETUP > Lookup Management > Category > Retail Agent. For more information about adding or editing selections, see the Adding Lookup Management Items topic.
  2. The Code Designation list will be populated when the Code Description is selected. The Code Description and Code Designation are linked when they are added in SETUP > Lookup Management > Category > Retail Agent. For more information about adding or editing selections, see the Adding Lookup Management Items topic.
  3. Click [Save]. The new codes are added to the Classified Summary screen.


Click [Cancel] to return to the Classified Summary screen without saving any selections.

To Remove Codes

  1. Locate a retail agent via SEARCH.
  2. Click the Details icon next to the retail agent to update.
  3. Click the classifieds tab. The Classified Summary screen is displayed.

  1. Click the Remove icon. The following confirmation dialog box is displayed.

  1. Click OK. The code is removed.

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