You are here: Primary menu > Search > Retail Agents > Retail Agent Contracts

Retail Agent Contracts

The retail agent contracts tab stores the agent's contract information, errors and omissions coverage and license information.

To Enter Contract Details

  1. On the Primary menu, Click Search.
  2. Click the Entity drop-down box and select the Retail Agent.
  3. Click the Details icon of the retail agent.
  4. Click the contracts tab.
  5. Enter the contract information.  When complete, click Save Contract.  Click Copy to create a duplicate of the same contract. To update the contract at a later point, select the contract on the contracts tab by clicking the Details icon, make the changes and click Save Contract.

Contract Information

Errors & Omissions Coverage

License Information

The Contract Details must be saved (Click Save Contract) before adding license information.

Tip:  If you have administrator rights, custom license types can be added via Lookup Management.

  1. On the Utility menu, click Setup.
  2. In the Setup Console, click Lookup Management.
  3. In the Category drop-down list, select Retail Agent.
  4. In the Types box, select License Types.
  5. In the Select Item box, select Add New.
  6. In the License Type field, enter the name of the license type.