You are here: Client menu > SERVICING > Certificates > Certificate Renewal

Certificate Renewal

The renewal process displays policies that have been renewed since the last issuance of certificates. The certificate must have been posted and have at least one issued holder to be available to renew. Temporary access can be granted to clients so they select which certificates they would like to have reissued. To let the client select which certificates get renewed, see Client Access for Certificates.

To Renew Certificates

  1. On the Primary menu, click SEARCH. Search for and select the client.
  2. On the Client menu, click SERVICING.
  1. Click Renewal Certificate(s). A list of policies that have been renewed will be displayed.

Note: Each renewed policy must have had a posted certificate and issued holders to be displayed on the certificate renewal tab.

  1. Select the policy(s) and click [Next].

Note: If the certificate form has expired, Nexsure will automatically give notification that a new form is available. Click Accept to migrate the data to the new form.  Please verify that the new form is populated correctly.

  1. On the certificate renewal tab, select the Renew check box next to the holders to renew.

  1. Click [Next]. The following confirmation message is displayed before the certificate renewal can no longer be aborted.

  1. Click [Back] to review selections or click [Next] to confirm renewal. The certificates tab is displayed with the renewed certificate noted in blue text. A status of Active, shown in black text, indicates the successful creation of the certificate.

Note: This process cannot be aborted after [Next] is selected. To review selected certificate(s), select [Back]

  1. To deliver the certificate, click the Details icon next to the certificate to deliver.
  2. In the navigation toolbar, click Deliver.

  1. Follow either the email or fax delivery instructions outlined in the Delivery topic.

Related Topics

Creating New Certificates

Certificate Batch Printing

Copying Certificates

Client Access for Certificates