You are here: Client menu > POLICIES > Certificates Summary > Certificate Batch Printing

Certificate Batch Printing

Use certificate batch printing to print multiple certificates at once. There are two ways to access the batch print function for a certificate:

  1. From the certificate
  1. From the certificate summary - certificate holder view:

To Batch Print from Certificate

  1. On the Primary menu, click SEARCH. Search for and select the client.
  2. On the Client Menu, click POLICIES > certificates tab.
  3. On the certificates tab, click the Details icon next to the certificate to print. The certificate tab is displayed.

Note:  Only posted certificates with issued holders are available for batch printing. 

  1. On the navigation toolbar, click Print. The Multiple Holder / Additional Interest Print Selection dialog box is displayed.

  1. In the Print column, select all holders to be printed. If all certificates need to be printed, click [Select All]. Or, click [De-Select All] to remove all selections.

Note: All holders are displayed in alphabetical order and will be printed in the same order. Certificate holders that have inactive print check boxes do not have issued certificates.

  1. In the Printer list, select the printer.
  2. In the Number of copies list, select the number of copies needed. The default is one copy but up to 99 copies can be selected.
  3. Select Merge all to PDF if all certificates need to be incorporated into a single PDF file.

Note: Adobe® Reader® 7.0 or higher is required. See the Utilities topic to download Adobe Reader.

  1. Click [Print]. The copies will be sent to the printer selected or a PDF if Merge all to PDF was selected.


Click [Cancel] to cancel the print job.

To Batch Print from Certificate Holders

  1. On the Primary menu, click SEARCH. Search for and select the client.
  2. On the Client Menu, click POLICIES > certificates tab.
  3. In the Current View list, select Certificate Holders.

Note:  Only posted certificates are available for batch printing. Only holders that are issued are available for printing selection in the Certificate Holders view. 

  1. Select the policies to print separately or click [Select All] to select all of the certificates.
  1. Click [Print Selected]. The nexsure certificates tab is displayed.

  1. In the Printer list, select the printer.
  2. In the Number of copies list, select the number of copies needed. The default is one copy but up to 99 copies can be selected.
  3. Select Merge all to PDF if all certificates need to be incorporated into a single PDF file.

Note: Adobe® Reader® 7.0 or higher is required. See the Utilities topic to download Adobe Reader.

  1. Click Print. The copies will be sent to the printer selected or a PDF if Merge all to PDF was selected..


Click Cancel to cancel the print job.

Note:  When a certificate is printed it is recorded in the Printed column on the certificate summary screen.

Related Topics

Creating New Certificates

Certificate Renewal

Copying Certificates

Client Access for Certificates