You are here: Utility menu > Setup Console > Programs


Programs are used to identify whether an opportunity is used for program business. Programs are located on the OPPORTUNITIES > qualification tab. The drop-down boxes for these programs are populated by each organization and then associated with each branch in the organization as needed.

Utilizing Programs

Programs are utilized at the Client > OPPORTUNITIES level. One method of accessing an existing opportunity is from the HOME > OPPORTUNITIES screen.

  1. Click the HOME link located on the Utility menu.
  2. Click the OPPORTUNITIES link.

  1. Click the Details icon to display the qualification tab.

  1. Any active program associated with the branch is available for selection from the Program drop-down box.

Note: After an opportunity has been added, details may be accessed from either the HOME > OPPORTUNITIES or Client > OPPORTUNITIES menus.

Related Topics

Adding New Programs

Associating Programs with Branches

Editing an Existing Program

Setting Program Status to Inactive

Removing Associated Branches

Removing Programs