You are here: Primary menu > Search > Retail Agents > Retail Agent Name

Retail Agent Name

The retail agent name tab stores the agent's tax and name information. The retail agent can also be inactivated from this tab.

Important: A retail agent cannot be deleted from Nexsure once an invoice is associated with that retail agent.

To Enter Name Information

  1. On the Primary menu, click SEARCH.
  2. In the Entity list, select Retail Agent. Search for the appropriate retail agent.
  3. Click the Details icon next to the retail agent.
  4. Click the retail agent name tab. The Retail Agent screen is displayed.

  1. In the Retail Agent Name box, the name of the retail agent is displayed. Alterations to an existing name can be made here.

Tip: After altering the Retail Agent Name, click [Update] and then the RETAIL AGENT PROFILE link to refresh the name in the non-editable Retail Agent Name field.

  1. In the Organization Legal Entity Type list, select the entity type for the retail agent. The options available in this list are added by the Nexsure administrator in Lookup Management > Retail Agent > Organization Legal Entity Type.
  2. Select either FEIN or Social Security Number to enter the tax identification number for the retail agent. Once a selection is made, the appropriate number format is displayed for entry reference.
  3. In the Website box, enter the URL for the retail agent's web site.

Note: Do not enter the http:// prefix for the website address, Nexsure will automatically remove the prefix from any links where the address is displayed.

  1. In the Enterprise Code box, enter a free-form value that may be used to track a client managed in Nexsure with other proprietary systems. This information can be searched for from the search tab >Enterprise Code box.
  2. Select the 1099 check box if this entity will require a 1099.
  3. Click [Update] to save all retail agent name information. The Last Updated By and Date Updated fields are updated to reflect the recent activity.


Click [Cancel] to exit the retail agent name tab without saving changes and return to the card file tab.

  1. Click [Inactivate] and the retail agent's name will be shown in strikethrough font on the SEARCH results screen.
  2. Click [Activate] if the retail agent is currently inactivated and needs to be active again.

Related Topics

Retail Agent Profile

Adding Retail Agents