You are here: Primary menu > Search > Retail Agents > Retail Agent Locations

Retail Agent Locations

The retail agent locations tab stores the agent's location information.

Important: A retail agent cannot be deleted from Nexsure once an invoice is associated with that retail agent.

Quickly navigate to procedures included in this topic by clicking one of the links below:

To Search for a Location

To Add a Location

To Search for a Location

  1. On the Primary menu, click SEARCH.
  2. In the Entity list, select Retail Agent. Search for the appropriate retail agent.
  3. Click the Details icon next to the retail agent.
  4. Click the locations tab. The Location Summary screen is displayed.

There are several options when working with locations. Notice the options at the top of the summary.

  1. Showing Page: The Arrow   icons can be used to navigate through pages of search results.
  2. First Page  icon. 
  3. Previous Page icon.
  4. Next Page icon.
  5. Last Page icon.
  1. Page List: Click the Page List  arrow to open a list of all search results pages. Select the desired page number to open that page of search results.
  2. In the Filters area, the [Show] option is available to open the Search Filters and Sort Filters to aid in finding specific locations.

  1. In the Search Filters area, the following search options are available:
  1. In the Sort Filters area, the following options are available. Use the Sort Filters to sort the results of the locations search.

  1. Search: Click Search. The results of the Search Filter criteria and Sort Filter settings are displayed.
  2. Clear: Click Clear to remove all entries in the Search Filter and Sort Filters fields.

Important: Clicking Clear does not remove the Save Filter Settings selection.

To Add a Location

  1. On the Primary menu, click SEARCH.
  2. In the Entity list, select Retail Agent. Search for the appropriate retail agent.
  3. Click the Details icon next to the retail agent.
  4. Click the locations tab. The Location Summary screen is displayed.

  1. On the Location Summary screen, click [Add New]. The Location Information screen is displayed.

  1. In the Location Type list, select from the location types entered in Setup > Lookup Management > Category > Retail Agent > Types > Location Types.
  2. Select either Yes or No to indicate if this location is the primary location for the account.
  1. In the Location Numbers area, enter phone numbers without formatting. Formatting will be applied after the locations tab has been saved. Select the type of phone number. Extension numbers may be entered up to six characters. Adding additional phone numbers... 
  1. Once the new location information has been saved, the Location Summary screen displays. Click the Details icon next to the location to update. Notice [Add New] is now available in the Location Numbersarea.
  2. In the Location Numbers area, click [Add New].
  3. Select the identity of the phone number being added.
  4. Enter the phone numbers without formatting. Formatting will be applied after the screen has been saved.
  5. The extension numbers may be entered up to six numeric characters.
  6. Click Save to save the phone number just added.


  1. Click Close to abort the addition of the new number.

Note: The number of phone numbers that can be added to each location is only limited by the identity choices.

  1. Click the Details icon beside the number if edits to the number are required.
  2. Click the Delete icon beside the number to permanently delete the number.
  1. In the Physical Address area, enter the address of the physical location of the retail agent. Select Yes or No to indicate if this address is to be used as the US mailing address as well as the physical address. If Yes is selected, there is no need to complete the Mailing Address information below; once the location information is saved, the Physical Address will automatically populate the Mailing Address area.

Tip: Don't forget to use the Ellipsis button to help complete address information quickly.

  1. If the Mailing Address is different than the Physical Address, complete the boxes in the Mailing Address area.
  2. Click [Save] to save all entries on the Location Information screen and return to the Location Summary screen.


  1. Click [Cancel] to return to the Location Summary screen without saving entries.

Related Topics

Retail Agent Profile

Adding Retail Agents