You are here: Organization Menu > Accounting Summary > Transactions > Invoices Tab

Invoices Tab

The invoices tab allows access to posted, unposted, reversed invoices, and installments.

Quickly navigate to procedures included in this topic by clicking one of the links below:

To Access the Invoices Tab

To Print Invoices

To Add an Invoice to an Existing Batch

To Access the Invoices Tab

  1. On the Primary menu, click ORGANIZATION.
  2. Click the territories tab.
  3. Click the Details icon of the appropriate territory.
  4. Click the accounting > transactions > invoices tab. A maximum of 1000 records are displayed.

  1. In the Filter area, click [Show] to open the Search Criteria screen.

The options available on the Search Criteria screen are: 

Tip: The Print Date initially is the date that the invoice is available for printing; subsequent printing of the invoice will change the date.

The options available on the Sort Filters screen are: 

Important: Clicking Clear does not remove the Save Filter Settings selection.  

  1. Clicking the Details icon will display the invoice for review.

Note: In the Status column, an asterisk * indicates an internal note has been entered. Pause the pointer over the asterisk to view the internal note.

  1. After reviewing the invoice, on the Navigation Toolbar, click Transaction Summary to return to the invoices summary view.

To Print Invoices

  1. On the Primary menu, click ORGANIZATION.
  2. Click the territories tab.
  3. Click the Details icon of the appropriate territory.
  4. Click the accounting > transactions > invoices tab.
  5. In the Select column, select all invoices to be printed.

  1. Once all invoices have been selected for printing, click [Create Print Batch]. The Create Batch Print dialog box is displayed.

  1. In the Batch Name box, enter a name for the new batch. The default entry is Invoicing.
  2. In the Description box, accept the default description or add a new description.
  3. In the Style list, select the style of the invoice to be printed.
  4. In the Preview Format list, select the type of preview for the batch. The selections are:

  1. In the Printer list, select the printer to which the batch is sent.
  2. Select the Restricted check box to restrict others from accessing the batch.
  3. Select the Print Now check box to send the batch directly to the printer.
  4. Click OK. A confirmation message is displayed.

  1. Click OK. The batch is added to the invoices tab within the batch summary tab..
  2. To navigate to the invoices tab containing the batch, click the batch summary tab that is one level of tabs up.
  3. On the batch summary tab, click the invoices tab. The invoices tab is displayed.

  1. Click the Print icon to print a single batch.


In the Select column, select one or more batches to print or use the [Select All] option. On the Navigation Toolbar, click Print Selected. The Create Batch Print dialog box is displayed.

  1. In the Style list, select the style of the invoice to be printed.
  2. In the Preview Format list, select the type of preview for the batch. The selections are:

  1. In the Printer list, select the printer to which the batch is sent.
  2. Select the Restricted check box to restrict others from accessing the batch.
  3. Select the Print Now check box to send the batch directly to the printer.
  4. Click OK. A confirmation dialog box is displayed, click OK and the batch is sent to the printer.

To Add an Invoice to an Existing Batch

  1. On the Primary menu, click ORGANIZATION.
  2. Click the territories tab.
  3. Click the Details icon of the appropriate territory.
  4. Click the accounting > transactions > invoices tab. The invoices tab is displayed.
  5. In the Select column, select all invoices to be added to an existing batch.
  6. Click [Add to Existing Batch]. The Add to Exiting Batch dialog box is displayed.

  1. Use the options in the Search area to search for an existing batch.


In the Last Batch Created area, select the batch to add the new invoices.

  1. Click OK. A confirmation is displayed verifying to which batch the new invoices were added.

  1. Click OK. The updated batch can be found by navigating to the batch summary > invoices tab.

Related Topics

Batch Summary Tab