You are here: Client menu > CLIENT PROFILE > Units at Risk > Units at Risk Tab

Units at Risk Tab

The units at risk tab contains a summary of the scheduled unit data stored at the client level for the selected client. Units may be added here. Each item record can be accessed by clicking the item. The benefit of the units at risk tab is to view the units from different tabs on one screen. Updating the units at risk at the client level allows that information to be propagated to the appropriate ACORD forms.

To Access the Units at Risk Tab

  1. On the Primary menu, click SEARCH. Search for the appropriate client.
  2. Click the Details icon next to the appropriate client. The card file tab is displayed by default.
  3. Click the units at risk tab. The units at risk summary tab is displayed. All units at risk for the selected client are displayed on the tab. Each unit type is contained in a file card. A summary for each unit is displayed as well as the total number of that unit type.

Note: The total number of units will be accurate, however, for performance reasons only up to 100 records will be displayed on the units at risk summary.

The file name for each card can be clicked to navigate to the summary screen for the selected units type. Clicking on the individual unit link opens the associated details screen.

  1. Hold the pointer over the [Add New] link and a menu is displayed. This menu allows additions to each type of unit.

  1. Once [Add New] is clicked, the following selections are available:

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