You are here: Client menu > CLIENT PROFILE > Adding Named Insureds

Adding Named Insureds

A named insured is added when the client is first entered in Nexsure and is automatically designated as primary. Named insureds and their information added to the named insureds tab will be available to prefill to applications. When adding a named insured the information required depends on whether the client is personal or commercial. Instructions follow for adding a personal named insured and a commercial named insured.

Quickly navigate to procedures included in this topic by clicking one of the links below:

To Add a Personal Named Insured

To Add a Commercial Named Insured

To Edit a Named Insured

To Add NAICS / SIC Codes

To Add a Personal Named Insured

  1. On the Primary menu, click SEARCH. Search for the appropriate client. Be sure to change the Entity selection to Client.
  2. Click the Details icon next to the appropriate client. The card file tab is displayed by default.
  3. Click the named insureds tab. The Named Insured Summary screen is displayed.
  4. On the Named Insureds Summary screen, click [Add New]. The Named Insured screen is displayed.

  1. On the Named Insured screen, complete the following:
  1. Click [Save] to add the new named insured to the policy and return to the Named Insured Summary screen.


  1. Click [Cancel] to return to the Named Insured Summary screen without saving.

Important: The named insured must be added and saved before they can be made inactive. Primary named insureds cannot be made inactive until another named insured is set as the primary.

To Add a Commercial Named Insured

  1. On the Primary menu, click SEARCH. Search for the appropriate client. Be sure to change the Entity selection to Client.
  2. Click the Details icon next to the appropriate client. The card file tab is displayed by default.
  3. Click the named insureds tab. The Named Insured Summary screen is displayed.
  4. On the Named Insureds Summary screen, click [Add New]. The Business Information screen is displayed.

  1. On the Business Information screen, complete the following:

Note: Do not enter the http:// prefix for the website address, Nexsure will automatically remove the prefix from any links where the address is displayed.

  1. After all information is added to theBusiness Information screen, click [Save]. The named insured is added.

Important: The named insured must be added and saved before they can be made inactive. Primary named insureds cannot be inactivated. The Primary designation must first be changed to another named insured; then the [Inactivate] option will be displayed.

  1. Click [Cancel] to return to the Named Insured Summary screen without saving.

To Edit a Named Insured

  1. On the Primary menu, click SEARCH. Search for the appropriate client. Be sure to change the Entity selection to Client.
  2. Click the Details icon next to the appropriate client. The card file tab is displayed by default.
  3. Click the named insureds tab. The Named Insured Summary screen is displayed.
  4. Click the Details icon next to the named insured to be edited. The Named Insured or Business Information screen is displayed depending on whether the account is personal or commercial.
  5. Make any necessary changes to the record and click [Save].

Important: When new units that have been prefilled to a policy either by Lookup or the units at risk tab and are added, modified, or deleted, a dialog box will be displayed once [Save], [Copy], or [Inactivate] are selected. The dialog box will list all policies that the unit is associated with. Any policy in a pliable state will be available for selection in the dialog box. Selecting a policy or policies and then clicking Update Selected will make the change, addition or deletion of the unit to all policies selected.

  1. Click [Copy] to make a copy of the named insured. The new copy will be available on the summary screen with the text "Copy of" preceding the name of the named insured.
  2. Click [Inactivate] to inactivate the named insured. The [Inactivate] option will not be displayed on the primary named insured record, see Important note below. Inactive named insureds will not be available in the policy level Lookup options.

Important: Primary named insureds cannot be inactivated. The Primary designation must first be changed to another named insured; then the [Inactivate] option will be displayed.

To Add NAICS / SIC Codes

  1. In the NAICS / SIC area, click [Add New]. NAICS / SIC information can only be added to the Primary named insured once they have been initially added and saved. Once the [Add New] option is clicked, the NAICS / SIC Information dialog box is displayed.

  1. In the Search by list, select one of the following options:
  1. Enter the search criteria. Enter at least one character. However to return results faster, enter at least two characters of the description or code.
  2. Click Search. The search results are displayed in a list. Click on a result item to view the associated description below.

  1. Once a code has been highlighted in the list, click Select.


Click Close to return to the named insureds tab without making a code selection.

  1. After clicking Select, a confirmation dialog box is displayed. Select either Yes or No to indicate whether or not the NAICS / SIC code is the primary code for the named insured.

  1. Click Save. The new code is added to the named insureds tab. Notice that the Primary code cannot be removed. To remove a primary code, select a new primary first then remove the unnecessary code.

Related Topics

Named Insureds Summary