You are here: Client menu > CLIENT PROFILE > People > Contacts Security

Contacts Security

Security may be given to allow access to the Agent’s Nexsure site. There are two types of Contacts available at this time that may be given security rights, Employees of the Agency and Client Contacts.  The options selected for the Contact on the Security login information screen will be unique to that Contact. In order for the options selected to apply they must be enabled on the Security policy tab found in Setup, Security Administration. The Contacts security will supersede the Organization defaults that are setup in Setup, Security Administration. It is the Agent’s ultimate responsibility to maintain their site’s security and to train outside entities, which have been granted access to their Nexsure site.

To Add Security

  1. On the Primary menu, click SEARCH.
  2. Click the Entity drop-down box and select the appropriate entity.
  3. Click the Details icon of the entity.
  4. Click the contacts tab.
  5. Click the Details icon of the appropriate contact.
  6. Scroll to the bottom of the contact detail screen and click the here link to make this contact a user. The Security login information screen is displayed.
  7. Enter a Login name for the Contact. Login names can only be used once, a good rule of thumb, when assigning login names, is to use the contacts Email address omitting the ".com" at the end.
  8. Enter a Password for the contact. The password should be unique and contain a combination of unique characters, such as $ or % signs and alpha and numeric characters.
  9. Re-enter the Password in the Confirm Password field. This field requires the password be re-entered correctly. If incorrect, a warning window will display with this message: Specified passwords do not match. Click OK on the warning message and correct the password fields.
  10. Select the time zone from the drop-down box and click the checkbox to automatically adjust the clock for daylight savings time for this contact.
  11. Enter a Login expiration date, using the calendar icon or keying the date in using the correct formatting, if applicable.
  12. Enter the time of day the Login will expire.
  13. Click the Change of Password required checkbox to allow the contact to change the password assigned by the Agency upon logging in to Nexsure for the first time.
  14. To set a time restriction for accessing the Agents Nexsure site for the contact enter a time in both the Access allowed from and Access allowed until fields.
  15. Click the Notify admin upon login checkbox to have an email sent to the Administrator in the Agency when this contact logs into their Nexsure site.  The Email is sent to the Email address found on the Security policy tab in Setup, Security Administration.
  16. Click the Allow login on Saturdays and Allow login on Sundays checkboxes to allow the contact to login on these days.
  17. Click the Login disabled checkbox to disable the login for the contact.

  1. Click the Save link to save or the Cancel link to abort.
  2. Once the Login Information has been saved, the contact must be assigned to a User Rights Template.  User Rights Templates allow the Agency to assign security to a group of people needing the same access to the Agent’s Nexsure site.  This eliminates the need to setup security for an individual.  User Rights are created in Setup, Security Administration, User Rights Templates tab.

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the Login Information screen and click the [Add New] link.  The User Rights Information popup window will be displayed.


  1. Select the Entity Type from the drop-down box. The drop-down box will display only the appropriate entity type defined by the area in Nexsure where the contact’s security is being setup.  (IE: Client, Employee, Retail Agent, Underwriter, Outside Finance Company or Additional Interest)  If a client contact, then the entity type available will be Client.
  2. Select the Entity Name from the drop-down box. The drop-down box will display only the appropriate entity names defined by the area in Nexsure where the contact’s security is being setup.
  3. Select the Status from the drop-down box.  If Active is selected the Contact login is enabled and an active key “ ” icon will be displayed on the Contacts summary screen.  If Inactive is selected the contact login is disabled and an inactive key “ ” icon will be displayed on contacts summary screen.  
  4. Select the appropriate User Rights template for this contact from the drop-down box. User Rights are created in Setup/Security Administration/User Rights Templates.
  5. Click Add to add User Rights for this contact or Cancel to abort.

Related Topics

Adding Client Contacts

Editing Client Contacts

Changing a Primary Contact

User Rights Templates