You are here: Client menu > CLIENT PROFILE > People > Changing a Primary Contact

Changing a Primary Contact

The first Contact entered, when adding a New Entity, will be designated as the Primary Contact and will be displayed in the Contacts summary view with a checkmark in the Primary checkbox.  

Note: A Primary Contact cannot be deleted.  To change or delete a Primary Contact another Contact will need to be assigned as primary.

To Change a Primary Contact

  1. On the Primary menu, click SEARCH.
  2. Click the Entity drop-down box and select the appropriate entity.
  3. Click the Details icon of the entity.
  4. Click the contacts tab. If there is only one Contact displayed, it will be designated as Primary and a second Contact will need to be added.  See Adding a Contact to add a second Contact.
  5. Select Yes to designate the new contact as the Primary Contact for this Entity.  If the person to be designated as the new Primary Contact is displayed, click on their Details icon, select Yes to the Is this the Primary Contact for this Account? question and click the [Update] link.
  6. In the contacts tab summary view the newly appointed Primary Contact will be displayed with a checkmark in the Primary check box.  The old Primary Contact will now have a Remove  icon.
  7. Click on the Remove  icon to delete the old Primary Contact, if applicable.  If the remove icon is not available, see the Nexsure point person within the Agency for assistance.

Related Topics

Adding Client Contacts

Editing Client Contacts

Contacts Security