You are here: Utility menu > Setup Console > Security Administration

Security Administration

User login security can be administered at an organization level, as well as at the employee level.  

Quickly navigate to procedures included in this topic by clicking one of the links below:

To Set Organization-wide Login Security Settings

To Set Employee Security

Organization-Wide Login Security

To Set Organization-wide Login Security Settings

Administrator rights are required to set the organization login security.

  1. On the Utility menu, click SETUP.
  2. In the Setup Console, click Security Administration. The security policy tab is displayed.

  1. Click Edit for each Rule Description, select a Value and decide whether an Effective Date and Expiration Date are needed. The date range can be set to determine within what dates the rule will be applied. An explanation of each Rule Description as it applies to the organization is as follows:

Note: Rules marked with a red asterisk do not apply to the security policy for external Access Portal users. There is no need to make a selection for those rules if a user of the Access Portal is being set up.

  1. Default time zone for this organization: A default time zone can be set for all staff members.
  2. Requires users to change password on their first login: Staff members can be required to change their passwords the first time they log on to Nexsure.
  3. Number of days before users are required to change password: The number of days can be set to determine when staff members will be required to change their Password.

Note: When the Effective Date is blank, the rule takes effect immediately. When the Expiration Date is blank, the rule remains in effect indefinitely.

  1. Click Update to save the rule settings.


Click Cancel to ignore any updates to the rule.


Click Reset to Default to change all rules to the organization default settings.

Tip: Click the Access Log tab to view a time stamped list of all logon activity in the organization.

Employee-Specific Login Security

In addition to the organization's security defaults, individual employees can have specific security settings that supersede the organization defaults. Administrative rights are required to modify employee logon security settings.

To Set Employee Security

  1. On the Primary menu, click ORGANIZATION.
  2. Select the employees tab.
  3. Click the Details icon next to the employee to update.
  4. Select the security tab. The security tab is displayed. The security tab will not be available if the employee was not previously given login security rights. For more information about making an employee a user, see Adding Employees.

  1. In the Login Information section, the following settings are available:

Note: This time zone setting can be overridden by selections made on the user preferences tab. See the Preference Settings topic for more information.

  1. In the Navigation Toolbar, click Save. The employee security settings are saved.

Related Topics

Adding Employees

Employee Login Security