You are here: Utility menu > Home menu > Actions

Actions Overview

The actions tab is the default view when Nexsure is opened. Actions are used as follow-up reminders for activities that need to occur.

Note: Although a maximum of 2000 records can be returned in a search, up to 5000 records can be exported.

There are three levels of actions that can be created:

Note: Actions that are associated with restricted policies will only display for those staff members that are assigned to the policy.

Note: Policies that are restricted are displayed only if the person logged on is assigned to them. All other non-restricted policies are displayed and can be searched for by all staff members.

To print out custom actions reports, see Action Reports. For more information on creating actions, see Creating Actions.

There are several options when working with actions. Notice the list boxes and links across the top of the actions tab.

The following options are available when working with actions:

The options available on the Search Filters screen are:

Tip: Date variables can be used to set up a date range in a saved filter setting. Using date variables can help to avoid unwanted search results.

The options available on the Sort Filters screen are:

Important: Clicking Clear does not remove the saved Filter Settings selections.

The following columns are displayed in the actions search results:

  1. Policy ID #: The ID number associated with the policy.
  2. Ref #: The certificate reference number and the certificate number.
  3. LOB(s): Lists the LOBs associated with the policy.
  4. Eff Exp Dates: Lists the effective and expiration dates.

To collapse the Memo box, click outside of the Memo box.

Related Topics

Creating Actions

Setup > Actions