You are here: Organization Menu > Territories > Adding Territory Locations

Adding Territory Locations

To Add a Territory Location

  1. On the Primary menu, click ORGANIZATION.
  2. Click on the territories tab.
  3. Select the locations tab.
  4. Click Add New.
  5. Use Existing is the default when adding new locations.  Scroll through the list of existing locations to make sure the location does not exist. If the location is present, click that location and then select the Save button.  This feature allows the entire organization location database to be utilized so that duplicate records may be avoided.

Field Descriptions:

Add additional phone number identities in Setup under Lookup Management.

Adding additional phone numbers:

  1. Click on the Add New link to the right of group heading after accessing the location record to edit.
  2. Use the drop-down box to select the identity of the phone number being added.
  3. Enter the phone numbers without formatting. Formatting will be applied after the screen has been saved.
  4. The extension numbers may be entered up to 6 numeric characters.
  5. Click on the Save button to save the phone number just added.
  6. Click on the Close button to abort the addition of the new number.
  7. The number of Phone numbers that can be added to each Location is only limited by the identity choices. Click on the Add New Link to add a new phone number.
  8. Click on the Details icon beside the number to edit.
  9. Click on the Delete icon beside the number to delete.
  10. Click on the Add New link to the right of group heading after accessing the location record to edit.

Related Topics

About Territories

Territory Employee Security

