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Reducing Attachment Size

Nexsure has a file size limitation of 6.0 MB for attachments. This topic will outline some tips on how to reduce the file sizes of scanned images and pictures taken with digital cameras.  

Tips for Reduced Attachment Sizes Using  


Tips to help reduce scanned file sizes:

Reduce Resolution

Output resolution should not be more than 100 dpi (dots-per-inch) to help keep file sizes low.  

Tip: Use 75 dpi when scanning something that will be viewed on the screen (like on a web page or an attachment in Nexsure)

To change resolution when scanning, please consult the user’s manual.

Avoid True Color Output Type

Typical Scanner Output types are:

It is recommended to change output type to Black and White for attachments. The higher the color output, the larger the file size.

To change the Output type, please consult the user’s manual.

Reduce Scale (Size) of Image

The scale (size) of an image can greatly reduce the file size of the scanned item

Generally, a scanned image can be scaled from the original by a percentage or by dimensions

To change the Scale, please consult the user’s manual.

Save in Compressed Formats

Common Scanner Output file formats:

Common compressed formats: .jpeg, .gif, .tif compressed

Saving an image in one of the compressed formats may greatly reduce file sizes.  Depending on the software, the amount of compression can be specified. As the amount of compression is increased, the file size will decrease.

Conversely, as the amount of compression is increased, there will be a reduction in quality of the scanned item.  As such, compressing a file too much will result in a blurred image.

To change the Output file format, please consult the user’s manual.

Questions to Ask the Manufacturer

Ask if the model of your scanner has the ability to do any of the following:

If none of the above is available, ask if there is a way to reduce the file sizes for scanned items.

 Digital Cameras

Tips to help reduce files sizes of pictures taken by digital cameras:  

General Image Resolutions  General Image Qualities 
1600x1200 pixels (Large)    Super fine (some cameras may not apply)
1280x960   Fine
1024x768 pixels (Medium)   Normal
640x480 pixels (Small)  

Approximate Image File Sizes:

Image Quality 
Resolution  Super Fine  Fine  Normal 
1600x1200 pixels  957KB  611KB  302KB 
1024x768 pixels  450KB  294KB  155KB 
640x480 pixels  208KB  141KB  79KB 

Online Manuals

For a quick reference to the user’s manual for your digital camera, please identify the manufacturer of the digital camera below.  Then follow the instructions below the link to locate the manual for the specific model.


  1. Images may not display automatically, so just click on Refresh (or Reload) button.
  2. Choose model of camera.
  3. Under documentation, click Manuals.


  1. Select model of camera.
  2. Under Getting Started, click Product Instructions.


  1. Select Camera model from drop-down list.  
  2. Download appropriate Manual.


  1. In the Support by Products list, select Camera, then point to Digital Cameras and select the model.  
  2. Click Manuals and Publications on the left side.
  3. Click Table of Contents.
  4. Click Topic.


  1. At the top, click Service, Support and Downloads.
  2. Click Digital Cameras Manuals and Downloads.
  3. Click Manuals.
  4. Select model of camera.

If the digital camera you have is not listed above or you cannot find the manual online, please contact the technical support for the manufacturer of your camera.  

Questions to Ask the Manufacturer

Ask if the model of your digital camera has the ability to change Image Quality or Resolution

If not, ask if there is a way to reduce file sizes for pictures taken with this camera

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