You are here: Client menu > POLICIES > Policies Summary
Policies Summary
Policies at the client level contain
a list of the current policies along with the history,
certificates, binders,
verifications and summary of insurance
tabs. If no policies exist in Policy Summary when the policies
tab is selected you will be prompted to check for policy history or
click Cancel to add a new marketing
Note: The maximum number of records returned in a search are 2,000 due to performance reasons.
All polices are shown in a collapsed view by default, however the view may be expanded to display all policy iterations in a family for the term. The Save Filter Settings option may be used in conjunction with the [Expand All] link to change the default view from collapsed to expanded.
The following options and information are available on the policies tab:
- Always Show Active: Select Always Show Active to expand all policy families to show all active policies including any pending policy activity.
- [Expand All] / [Collapse All]: Click [Expand All] to expand the policies view to include all pertinent policies for each coverage term that exists for the policy family. Click [Collapse All] to view only the current policy iteration.
- [Show] / [Hide]: Use the [Show] / [Hide] links to toggle the search and sort criteria screen.
- Show
/ Hide
: By default, the policy families are collapsed so that only the current policy header information is shown. Use the Show / Hide button to open a list of all policy iterations, including those in history.
- Family Policy Expand / Collapse: A small Expand
icon may be displayed next to the policy family even after it is expanded by the Show / Hide option. This small Family Policy Expand / Collapse icon, when clicked, will display all iterations of the policy including those that are duplicates or are invalid policy iterations for the same coverage term. If no duplicates or invalid policies are available, the
will not be displayed.
- Color of policy header: The colors of and in the policy header give information about what stage the policy is in, the following color codes may be shown:
- Blue Background: Active policy with no pending items.
- Gray: Policy is no longer active or is an old version. These policies will not be displayed on the history tab until the entire policy family has been placed in history.
- Pixilated Background: Active policies with pending activity including: Pending, Submitted, Second and Third Request for Endorsement, Final, Interim, Pending and Disputed Audits and Pending Edits.
- Red Font: Policies with a pending cancellation.
- Outlined in Red: Policies with pending claims.
- Red Strikethrough: Policies that are being non-renewed will have the issuing and billing carriers shown in a red strikethrough font.
- Click Details
to open the
policy. Right-clicking on the Details
icon will display the following navigation
- For Active Policies:
- Open: Opens the underwriting tab.
- Add New Opportunity: Brings up the Add New Opportunity window to choose Lines of Business.
- Market Existing: A new marketing policy is displayed showing the underwriting tab. The LOB for the new marketing policy will be the same as the LOB in the originating policy.
- Market New Line of Business: Adds a marketing record with the current date as the effective date for the submission and brings up the Add Line of Business screen.
- Print: Click this link to print the forms associated with the policy.
- Service: Opens the servicing tab allowing a service option to be selected while maintaining this policy as the policy being serviced.
- Summary of Insurance: Displays the summary of insurance tab.
- For History Policies:
- Open: Opens the underwriting tab.
- Add New Opportunity: Brings up the Add New Opportunity window to choose Lines of Business.
- Market Existing: A new marketing policy is displayed showing the underwriting tab. The LOB for the new marketing policy will be the same as the LOB in the originating policy.
- Market New Line of Business: Adds a marketing record with the current date as the effective date for the submission and brings up the Add Line of Business screen.
- Print: Click this link to print the forms associated with the policy.
- Rewrite: Displays the policy underwriting tab with the option to rewrite the policy.
- Service: Opens the servicing tab allowing a service option to be selected while maintaining this policy as the policy being serviced.
- Green Details
icon means it is a renewed policy. The Green Details
icon will remain until the policy iteration is placed in history.
- Red Details
icon indicates an expiration date in the past. The Red Details
icon will remain until the policy status is changed or the policy iteration is placed in history. If a policy whose expiration date is in the past doesn't have a status of expired, selecting the Red Details
icon will prompt the staff member to change the status to expired. Red Details
icons are not displayed on pending policy iterations such as; pending audits, edits, and endorsements.
- Retail Agent
icon: Click this icon to access the Retail Agent card file tab.
- Assign: Click the Assign
icon to display the Assignment List dialog box with the list of people in the agency assigned to this policy. The Assignment List is populated
from the assignment tab.
- Policy Number: If a Policy Number has been assigned to the policy, the number will be displayed.
- Policy Description: The description of the policy as shown on the policy header.
- Policy Type: Nexsure
identifies policy types on the underwriting tab. The Policy Type will display as either Monoline or Package. Holding the cursor over the Policy Type will display the information in a larger font for ease of reading. Clicking the item in the summary view will open a display box containing the selected information.
- Line of Business: The Line of Business the policy was created for. The line
of business is identified on the underwriting tab. Holding the cursor over the Line of Business will display the information in a larger font for ease of reading. Clicking the item in the summary view will open a display box containing the selected information.
- Policy Term: Populated
from the effective and expiration date fields on the underwriting
- Status: The Nexsure assigned Status of the policy from the underwriting tab is displayed. All possible policy status types are:
- In Force
- Received
- Future
- Expired
- Bound
- Reinstated
- Rewritten
- Pending-Cancellation
- Mode: The mode of the policy will be displayed:
- New
- New on Existing
- Renew
- Renew-New-Co
- Annualized Premium:Nexsure utilizes a simple formula that takes a mid-term premium (debit or credit), calculates the annualized value based on policy term compared to effective date of the mid-term premium, and adds it to the existing annualized values.
- Estimated Premium: The Estimated Premium
will be populated from the Premium field on the policy info tab.
- Billing and Issuing Carrier: The names of each billing and issuing carrier are links to eServices.
- Within the policy family, more policy information is displayed:
- Sort Columns: Each white column header name such as Stage and Status, can be selected to sort the items in the policy family. The Up or Down arrow icons will show the order of the sort.
- Stage: The policy Stage will display as Policy. The Stage is assigned by Nexsure.
- Status: The Nexsure assigned Status of the policy from the underwriting tab is displayed. All possible policy status types are:
- In Force
- Received
- Future
- Expired
- Bound
- Reinstated
- Rewritten
- Submitted
- Pending-Cancellation
- Change: Shows the type of change that was made.
- Coverage From: The Coverage From date is the date that the policy coverage takes affect. There may be cases where the term effective date is different than the coverage effective date:
- If an endorsement was made to the policy, the coverage date for that endorsed policy will differ from the original term date.
- If a binder is created, the coverage effective date is changed to the date the binder was created and defaults the coverage expiration date to the default number of days entered in Lookup Management.
- Coverage To: The Coverage To date is the date that the policy's coverage ends.
- Action Description: Click the Action Items
icon to display the Action Items dialog box. The action can then be modified or updated.
- Billed Premium: The Billed Premium is determined by Nexsure and displays the billed amounts through posted invoices. The bill type (agency or direct) will be displayed to the right of the premium as an A or D respectively.
- Updated By: The name of the person that last updated the policy.
- Updated Date: The date that the policy was last updated.
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Servicing Marketing