You are here: Client menu > CLIENT PROFILE > Adding Locations > Locations Summary

Locations Summary

The client locations tab displays all locations added for this entity.  Unlimited locations can be added to an entity, but only one can be designated as the primary location.  The primary location can be designated by selecting the Primary Location option on the Location Information screen.  Primary locations designation can be reassigned, but locations marked as primary cannot be deleted.

To Navigate to the Locations Summary Screen

  1. On the Primary menu, click SEARCH. Search for the appropriate client. Be sure to change the Entity selection to Client.
  2. Click the Details icon next to the appropriate client. The card file tab is displayed by default.
  3. Click the locations tab. The Location Summary screen is displayed.

The following options and information are displayed on the Location Summary screen: 

Important: System generated IDs on the exported spreadsheet should not be changed, added or copied. The absence of an ID upon import will denote an item to be added.

Tip: In order to avoid updates occurring to records that have not changed, it is suggested that those records be removed before the import takes place.

Note: When exporting a file, the file extension must be changed to .xls or .xlsx before saving.

Related Topics

Adding Locations