Using the Controls Tab
The options on available on the controls tab can be used to set write off limits for client reconciliation.
To Add Controls
- On the Utility menu, click SETUP.
- On the Setup Console, click Security Administration.
- Click the controls tab. The Controls - Search View screen is displayed with a listing of all current controls.
- Click [Add New]. The Add Control screen is displayed.
- In the Name box, enter a descriptive name to identify the control in later selections.
- In the Description box, enter a description to expand on the Name.
- The Active check box is checked by default. The Active setting applies the control where applicable.
- In the Type list, Employee Control is currently the only selection available.
- In the Area list, Transactions is currently the only selection available.
- In the Category list, Range, Threshold Minand Threshold Max are currently the available selections.
- In the Category Format list, Currency is currently the only selection available.
- In the Category Value box, enter the limit value associated with the category.
- In the Apply Security Template area, two options are available:
- No Template: The control will not be associated with a security template. The control will be applied to all staff members globally.
Tip: A subsequent control can also be added that is associated with a specific security template that will override the global control. There can be global control settings and specific security template control settings working at the same time.
- Specific Template: Select this option to associate the control to a specific security template.
- In the Entity Types list, select an entity type to filter the list of available security templates in the User Templates Types list.
- In the User Templates Types list, select the specific template to associate with the control.
- In theAdd GL Accounts section, select[Add GL Acct]. to search for and place controls on specific GL accounts.
- Once all information has been entered, click [Save]. The new control will be added to Nexsure.
Click [Cancel] to return to the Controls - Summary View screen without saving entered information.
Security Administration