You are here: Utility menu > Setup Console > Security Administration > Using the Controls Tab

Using the Controls Tab

The options on available on the controls tab can be used to set write off limits for client reconciliation.

To Add Controls

  1. On the Utility menu, click SETUP.
  2. On the Setup Console, click Security Administration.
  3. Click the controls tab. The Controls - Search View screen is displayed with a listing of all current controls.

  1. Click [Add New]. The Add Control screen is displayed.

  1. In the Name box, enter a descriptive name to identify the control in later selections.
  2. In the Description box, enter a description to expand on the Name.
  3. The Active check box is checked by default. The Active setting applies the control where applicable.
  4. In the Type list, Employee Control is currently the only selection available.
  5. In the Area list, Transactions is currently the only selection available.
  6. In the Category list, Range, Threshold Minand Threshold Max are currently the available selections.
  7. In the Category Format list, Currency is currently the only selection available.
  8. In the Category Value box, enter the limit value associated with the category.
  9. In the Apply Security Template area, two options are available:

Tip: A subsequent control can also be added that is associated with a specific security template that will override the global control. There can be global control settings and specific security template control settings working at the same time.

  1. In the Entity Types list, select an entity type to filter the list of available security templates in the User Templates Types list.
  2. In the User Templates Types list, select the specific template to associate with the control.
  3. In theAdd GL Accounts section, select[Add GL Acct]. to search for and place controls on specific GL accounts.
  4. Once all information has been entered, click [Save]. The new control will be added to Nexsure.


Click [Cancel] to return to the Controls - Summary View screen without saving entered information.

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Security Administration