You are here: Utility menu > Home menu > Endorsements


To navigate to the endorsements tab, click HOME > ENDORSEMENTS. The endorsements tab serves as a way to keep track of all policies with an endorsement in a pending or submitted status. Any policies awaiting endorsements will appear on the endorsements tab. When the endorsement is either posted or aborted, it will no longer appear on the endorsements tab. For information about making an endorsement, see Servicing > Endorsements.

Policies that are restricted are displayed only if the person logged on is assigned to them. All other non-restricted policies are displayed and can be searched for by all staff members. There are several options when working with policies on the endorsements tab. Notice the options at the top of the endorsements tab and the active icons within the tab.

The following options are available when working on the endorsements tab: 

The options available on the Search Filters screen are: 

The coverage effective date is the date that the policy coverage takes affect. There may be cases where the term effective date is different than the coverage effective date:

The options available on the Sort Filters screen are: 

Important: Clicking Clear does not remove the Save Filter Settings selection. 

The following columns are displayed in the endorsements search results:

Right-clicking the red Details  icon will display the following navigation options:

The policy coverage expiration date is displayed in one of four colors and changes based on the current date in relation to the policy's coverage expiration date.

Related Topics

Creating an Endorsement