To navigate to the endorsements tab, click HOME > ENDORSEMENTS. The endorsements tab serves as a way to keep track of all policies with an endorsement in a pending or submitted status. Any policies awaiting endorsements will appear on the endorsements tab. When the endorsement is either posted or aborted, it will no longer appear on the endorsements tab. For information about making an endorsement, see Servicing > Endorsements.
Policies that are restricted are displayed only if the person logged on is assigned to them. All other non-restricted policies are displayed and can be searched for by all staff members. There are several options when working with policies on the endorsements tab. Notice the options at the top of the endorsements tab and the active icons within the tab.
The following options are available when working on the endorsements tab:
- Branch: The Branch
list box in the upper left can be used to select a branch, this will narrow the search results. Once a branch is selected, endorsements tied to the selected branch are displayed.
- Showing Page: The Arrow
icons can be used to navigate through pages of search results.
- First Page
- Previous Page
- Next Page
- Last Page
- Page List: Click the Page List
arrow to open a list of all search results pages. Select the desired page number to open that page of search results.
- Search Filters: Click [Show] or [Hide] to toggle the Search Filters screen.
The options available on the Search Filters screen are:
- Save Filter Settings: Selecting the Save Filter Settings check box on the Search Filters screen and clicking Search will change the default Search Filter setting. The next time the endorsements tab is opened, the policies returned will be filtered by the saved setting. Exercise caution when using the Save Filter Settings check box with a date range as returned policies will be restricted to that date range. As a general rule, check the filter settings each time this tab is accessed.
- Client Name: Enter the name of a client to return results that include all policies with endorsements for a particular client. Enter at least one character to narrow the search results. Entering some of the Client Name returns a broader result, enter most of the name for more specific results.
- Client Type: There are two client types in Nexsure: Commercial and Personal. The search can be narrowed to make the results returned specific to a commercial or personal client.
- Policy Status: Select a Policy Status. The available selections are:
- Bill Method: Select the Bill Method that is used for the policy. The available selections are:
- All
- Agency Bill
- Direct Bill
- Business Type: Click the Ellipsis
button to select a business type for which to search.
- Cvg. Eff. Date (Fr): Click the Calendar
icon to select the beginning date in a date range. A date range can be selected to return all policies with coverage effective dates in the date range. Click the Variable
icon and enter a variable number of days to set a continuous date range to be used with Save Filter Settings. Enter + or - and the number of days up to three digits. The date will then be + (after) or - (before) the current date.
The coverage effective date is the date that the policy coverage takes affect. There may be cases where the term effective date is different than the coverage effective date:
- If an endorsement was made to the policy, the coverage date for that endorsed policy will differ from the original term date.
- If a binder is created, the coverage effective date is changed to the date the binder was created and defaults the coverage expiration date to the default number of days entered in Lookup Management.
- Cvg. Exp. Date (Fr): Click the Calendar
icon to select the beginning date in a date range. A date range can be selected to return all policies with coverage expiration dates in the date range. Click the Variable
icon and enter a variable number of days to set a continuous date range to be used with Save Filter Settings. Enter + or - and the number of days up to three digits. The date will then be + (after) or - (before) the current date.
- Issuing Carrier: An Issuing Carrier is the company that issues the policy. Enter at least one character to narrow the search results. Entering some of the Issuing Carrier name returns a broader result, enter most of the Issuing Carrier name for more specific results.
- Billing Carrier: The Billing Carrier is the company who the agency owes money to or who will pay the agency
for direct bill policies. Enter at least one character to narrow the search results. Entering some of the Billing Carrier name returns a broader result, enter most of the Billing Carrier name for more specific results.
- Updated Date (Fr): Click the Calendar
icon to select the beginning date in a date range. A date range can be selected to return all policies with Updated Dates in the date range. Click the Variable
icon and enter a variable number of days to set a continuous date range to be used with Save Filter Settings. Enter + or - and the number of days up to three digits. The date will then be + (after) or - (before) the current date.
- Cvg. Eff. Date (To): Click the Calendar
icon to select the ending date in a date range. A date range can be selected to return all policies with coverage effective dates in the date range. Click the Variable
icon and enter a variable number of days to set a continuous date range to be used with Save Filter Settings. Enter + or - and the number of days up to three digits. The date will then be + (after) or - (before) the current date.
- Cvg. Exp. Date (To): Click the Calendar
icon to select the ending date in a date range. A date range can be selected to return all policies with coverage expiration dates in the date range. Click the Variable
icon and enter a variable number of days to set a continuous date range to be used with Save Filter Settings. Enter + or - and the number of days up to three digits. The date will then be + (after) or - (before) the current date.
- LOB: Enter the line of business for the policy. Enter at least one character to narrow the search results. Entering some of the line of business title returns broader results, enter most of the line of business for more specific results.
- Updated Date (To): Click the Calendar
icon to select the ending date in a date range. A date range can be selected to return all policies with Updated Dates in the date range. Click the Variable
icon and enter a variable number of days to set a continuous date range to be used with Save Filter Settings. Enter + or - and the number of days up to three digits. The date will then be + (after) or - (before) the current date.
- Assignment: Enter the name of the person to whom the policy has been assigned. Enter at least one character to narrow the search results. Entering some of the Assignment name returns a broader result, enter most or full first and last names for more specific results.
- Responsibility: Enter the name of the person with primary responsibility for the policy. Enter at least one character to narrow the search results. Entering some of the Responsibility name returns a broader result, enter most or full first and last names for more specific results.
- Updated By: Enter the name of the person that last updated the policy. Enter at least one character to narrow the search results. Entering some of the Updated By name returns a broader result, enter most or full first and last names for more specific results.
- Retail Agent: Retail agents are outside producers that broker business through another agency because they do not have a market. Enter at least one character to narrow the search results. Entering some of the Retail Agent name returns a broader result, enter most of the Retail Agent name for more specific results.
- Sort Filters: Use the Sort Filters to sort the results of the endorsements search.
The options available on the Sort Filters screen are:
- Sort Field 1: Select a column heading from the Sort Field 1 list. The search results will be sorted by the column selected in the Sort Field 1 list. The available selections are:
- Sort Order 1: Select either Ascending or Descending to set the order of the policies returned. Ascending will set the order from A-Z. Descending will set the order from Z-A. The Sort Field 1 will be the first sort and Sort Field 2 will be the sub sort.
- Sort Field 2: Select a column heading from the Sort Field 2 list. The search results will be sorted by the column selected in the Sort Field 2 list. The available selections are:
- Sort Order 2: Select either Ascending or Descending to set the order of the policies returned. Ascending will set the order from A-Z. Descending will set the order from Z-A. The Sort Field 1 will be the first sort and Sort Field 2 will be the sub sort.
- Clear: Click Clear to remove all entries in the Search Filter and Sort Filters fields.
Important: Clicking Clear does not remove the Save Filter Settings selection.
- Search: Click Search. The results of the Search Filter criteria and Sort Filter settings are displayed. A maximum of 2000 records can be returned in the search results.
The following columns are displayed in the endorsements search results:
- Details: There are three types of Details icons that will each give access to different information:
- The blue Client Details
icon beside the entity name will display the client profile tab. Right-clicking the Client Details
icon will display the following navigation options:
- Open: Opens the client card file tab.
Opens the Add New Opportunity dialog box to choose one or more line of business.
- Add New Opportunity: Opens the Add New Opportunity dialog box to choose a line of business.
- Market New Line of Business: Adds a marketing record with the expiration date of the existing policy as the effective date of the marketing submission and brings up the Add Line of Business screen.
- The red Details
icon beside the entity name will display the change status dialog box. Click OK to change the status of the policy to Expired.
Right-clicking the red Details
icon will display the following navigation options:
- Open: Opens the underwriting tab.
- Print: Click this link to print the forms associated with the policy.
- Service: Opens the servicing tab allowing a service option to be selected while maintaining this policy as the policy being serviced.
- The Policy Details
icon will display the underwriting tab for that policy. Right-clicking the Policy Details
icon will display the following navigation
- Open: Opens the underwriting tab.
- Print: Click this link to print the forms associated with the endorsement.
- Service: Opens the servicing tab allowing a service option to be selected while maintaining this policy as the policy being serviced.
- Assign: Click the Assign
icon to display the Assignment List dialog box with the list of people in the agency assigned to this policy. The Assignment List is populated
from the assignment tab.
- Retail Agent: If a Retail Agent is associated with the client, the Retail Agent
icon will be displayed. Click the Retail Agent
icon to open the Retail Agent > card file tab.
- Action Items: Click the Action Items
icon to display the Action Items dialog box. The action can then be modified or updated.
- Client Name: The client's name will be
displayed as the primary named insured. The client's name displays once regardless of the number of expiring policies.
- Policy Number: The Policy Number will be displayed.
- Policy Type: Nexsure
identifies policy types on the underwriting tab. The Policy Type will display as either Monoline or Package. Holding the cursor over the Policy Type will display the information in a larger font for ease of reading. Clicking the item in the summary view will open a display box containing the selected information.
- Line of Business: The Line of Business the policy was created for. The line
of business is identified on the underwriting tab. Holding the cursor over the Line of Business will display the information in a larger font for ease of reading. Clicking the item in the summary view will open a display box containing the selected information.
- Stage: The policy Stage will display as Policy. The Stage is assigned by Nexsure.
- Status: The Nexsure assigned Status of the policy from the underwriting tab is displayed. All possible policy status types are:
- In Force
- Received
- Future
- Expired
- Bound
- Reinstated
- Rewritten
- Submitted
- Pending-Cancellation
- Updated By: Enter the name of the person that last updated the policy. Enter at least one character to narrow the search results. Entering some of the Updated By name returns a broader result, enter most or full first and last names for more specific results.
- Last Updated: Date
the policy was last updated.
- Annualized $ / Billed Premium: The Annualized $ and Billed Premium are determined by Nexsure and display the annualized and billed amounts through posted invoices. The
bill type (agency or direct) will be displayed to the right of the premium
as an A or D
- Coverage Eff Date / Coverage Exp Date: The effective and expiration date of the policy are displayed.
The policy coverage expiration date is displayed in one of four colors and changes based on the current date in relation to the policy's coverage expiration date.
- Black indicates that the binder will expire in 90 days or more.
- Green indicates that the binder will expire in the next 89 – 31 days.
- Orange indicates that the binder will expire in the next 30 days.
- Red indicates that the binder has expired.
- Billing Carrier: The Billing Carrier is the company who the agency owes money to or who will pay the agency
for direct bill policies. The Billing Carrier is identified on the underwriting tab in the policy header.
- Issuing Carrier: An Issuing Carrier is the company that issues the policy. The Issuing Carrier is identified on the underwriting tab in the policy header.
Creating an Endorsement