Delivery Address Book
The address book can be used to search and select email or fax recipients.
To Use the Address Book
- On the fax or email tab, click the Address Book
icon. The address book tab is displayed. By default
the address book tab will display the Delivery History.
Note: Previous emails sent to CC and BCC recipients are shown in the Delivery History with the CC or BCC notation in the Display Name column.
- In the Entity list, select an entity type to search for a recipient. Respective
search options will be displayed for each entity. The
Entity list allows a search of the following entity types:
- Enter search criteria
in the available search boxes.
- Click Search. The search results are displayed in the Search Results area.
- Click the search results entity to select.
Tip: Hold the CTRL key to select more than one entity.
- Select From, To, CC, or BCC to designate the selected entity.
- Click [Select]. Each of the selected entities are added to the fax or email tab.
- Once all entities have been added to the fax or email tab, click [Close]. The address book tab is closed.
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