Nexsure® Release 4.1.0 (11-18-2022)
| Enhancements | Resolved Issues | Previous Development |
- Added the ability to adjust People Commissions while in a People Reconciliation
Authenticated Email
- Added ability to associate an email to a client without having to add a contact record
- Updated the ACORD 127/137 FL to latest version
- Added Product Liability as a Line of Business
- Added a .csv version of the Retail Agent Contact report
- Added a People Commission Audit report. This report shows the Production Credit, Rate, Rate Type and Commission Amount found within the Other Commission section on the Policy Info screen
- Added the Retail Agent Legal Name to the Retail Agent Contact report
Training Videos
- Added the Nexsure Insurance Platform: v4 Overview video to the video section within Nexsure Help
Resolved Issues
Attachment Manager
- Improved performance when bulk scanning
- Resolved an issue in which the Date Business Started, Description of Operations and Applicant Organization Legal Entity Type where not retained when the Branch assignment was changed
- Resolved an issue in which ACORD 125 sections were duplicating on the Summary of Insurance
- Corrected an issue in which Pending Cancellations were not displaying in the Retail Agent Portal
- Resolved an issue with the Disbursement Summary report in which the report was not listing items selected on the QN-Payments Received screen