Nexsure® Release 4.0.0 (10-21-2022)
| Enhancements | Resolved Issues | Previous Development |
- Updated the NAICS codes to the 2022 version
- Book of Business Report - Added lookup parameters for NAICS/SIC Codes, Line of Business, Retail Agent, Issuing Carrier, Billing Carrier and Assignment Name
- Aged Client Receivable Report - Added new columns for Carrier Paid, Amount Paid and Payment Type
- Employee Info Report - Added new columns for Goes By, Date of Birth, Location Address 2, Mailing Address 1, Mailing Address 2, Mailing City, Mailing State, Mailing Zip Code, Phone Type, National Producer # (NIPR) and Enterprise Code
- Client Profile Report - Added filters for Demographic Year, Demographic Description, Code Class, Code Description, Classified Designation and Classified Type. Also added new columns for Demographic - Year, Demographic - Description, Estimate Value, Actual Value, Code Class, Code Class Description, Classified Designation and Classified Type
- Assignment Audit - Client Report - Columns are now static to support sorting
- Assignment Audit - Policy Report - Added Expiration Date, Marketing Policies and Policies in History options to the filtering. Also added new columns for Enterprise Code, Client Status, Retail Agent, Retail Agent Contact, Carrier Contact, History Flag, Portal Visible-Client, Portal Visible-Retail Agent, Portal Visible-Carrier, Policy File Restricted, Responsibility and Assignment Full Name
Submission Suite
- Added a default option for Create Attachment on Program Docs
- Added the ability to configure Down Payments to hide when the Down Payment is $0
- Added the ability to configure Renewals to carry over from previous Installment Plan
- Added a Default Carrier Email Template to Program Carrier setup
Training Videos
- Added the webinar video for "Nexsure Insurance Platform - New Accounting Features" to the Video section in Help
Resolved Issues
- Corrected an issue within Carrier Disbursements in which the number of records being displayed was incorrect. Also corrected an issue in which, at times, a paging error would occur
- Corrected an issue with the AR Item Balance showing an incorrect balance
- Corrected an issue that would occur when clicking the Add New Association link within a carrier on the Carrier Name tab and checking the Select All header option within the pop up. Previously it would not select all the Territories/Branches
Document Management
- Corrected an issue with the Carrier Mailing Address merge field in which the primary address was not always pulling into the document
- Corrected an issue in which certain specific eDocs downloads would not import
- Improved policy matching with Audit Downloads
Submission Suite
- Corrected an issue in which Actions would not show on the Action screen when a Submission was deleted, which is correct, but the Action would still be counted as an Open Action on the Dashboard
- Corrected an issue in which the DBA was not populating on Renewals