You are here: Client menu > TRANSACTIONS > List Bill > List Bill Plan Invoicing

List Bill Plan Invoicing

Once a List Bill Plan has been created, it is used as a billing template.  The Invoice is created at the Client level on the Master Client.  

  1. On the Primary menu, click SEARCH.
  2. Click the Details Icon of the appropriate master client.
  3. On the Client menu, click Transactions.  The transaction summary tab is displayed.
  4. Click the [Add Master Invoice] link.  The Invoice Add Policy pop-up window is displayed.

  1. Select the Policy option, select Current or History from drop-down box, highlight the policy number to be billed and select the List Bill Plan from the drop-down box.  Click OK.
  2. Select the appropriate check boxes for Premium, Fees and/or Taxes to default in from the policy info tab of the master client, click OK.

  1. Using the links in the Quick Navigation panel, or the scroll bar, complete the following screens:

Note:  The down payment is not included in the number of installments.

Note:  The Other commissions will become available after the Invoices are created.

  1. Click the List Bill Detail link in the quick Navigation.  A new List Bill Schedule is generated.  The list bill schedule is based on the information in the list bill plan template.

  1. Click the Create invoices link.  A separate invoice is created for each location shown in the schedule.

  1. Each location has its own unique Invoice number.  The total number of invoices will be reflected in the header.

Note:  Each invoice ID numbers displays on the transaction summary tab at the client level where the location record is located.

  1. Click the Transaction Summary to close the master invoice.  The Transaction summary view of the master client displays only the invoice(s) for the master Client.

  1. Each invoice is displayed with the master invoice number stacked below.  The master number is a hot link, clicking on the link will launch the entire bill plan for review and modification.
  1. The select client drop-down box will display the accounts related to the master client.  Select one of clients in the list to access that related accounts transaction summary tab.

  1. The Transaction Summary view of the related account selected will display the invoices for that client's location.  
  1. Click the Details icon of one invoice; Invoice header will display the master client info along with the location that is being billed for this invoice.

Note: If an agent makes changes to a policy level assignment it will affect list bill.  List bill assignment comes from the client level.

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Installment Billing