You are here: Client menu > CLIENT PROFILE > Campaigns


Once a client participates in a campaign, the campaign is recorded on the campaigns tab in the client profile. When a client responds to the campaign, their response can be recorded on this campaigns tab. Once responses are recorded in each client record, the total response numbers for the entire campaign are displayed on the Primary menu > CAMPAIGNS > campaigns tab.

To Enter Client Campaign Responses

  1. On the Primary menu, click SEARCH.
  2. Click the Details icon next to the appropriate client.
  3. Click the campaigns tab. All campaigns that the client has participated in are displayed.

  1. In the Response column, select the check box to record a response from the client regarding the campaign.
  2. In the Win column, select the check box to show that new business was obtained as a result of the campaign solicitation.

Related Topics

Coverage Rounding Report

Campaign Wizard

Campaign Management