You are here: Utility menu > Setup Console > Color Schemes > Color Scheme

Color Schemes

The Nexsure color schemes can be changed or a new company logo can be added to Nexsure. Customizing the interface will allow Nexsure to more closely match a company's look.

To Change the Color Scheme

  1. On the Utility menu, click Setup.
  2. In the Setup Console, select Color Schemes.
  3. In the Color Schemes list, select a color scheme. Selecting a scheme will present a preview in the color scheme preview window.
  4. When you have chosen a scheme, click Change Scheme. Upon the next log in, the color scheme will be changed.

To Change Logo Images 

  1. On the Utility menu, click Setup.
  2. In the Setup Console, select Color Schemes.
  3. In the Logo Images box, select a new logo image. This image will be displayed in the upper left corner of Nexsure.
  4. Click Change Scheme, upon the next log in, the logo will be changed.

To Add a Custom Logo Graphic

  1. On the Utility menu, click Setup.
  2. In the Setup Console, select Color Schemes.
  3. Click [Add Image]. The Add New Logo Image dialog box is displayed.
  4. In the Choose a GIF file area, click Browse and navigate to the new GIF file. The graphic dimensions must be no larger than 135 x 58 pixels and a file size no larger than 5 Kb.
  5. In the Description box, enter a brief description for the logo. The Description will be displayed in the Logo Images list box. This description must be in alphanumeric characters only.
  6. Click Upload. The new logo and Description will be displayed in the Logo Images list box.


Click Cancel to return to the Color Schemes screen without uploading a logo.

Note:  The graphic dimensions must be no larger than 135 x 58 pixels and a file size no larger than 5 Kb. To resize a graphic that is too large, use a graphics program such as Microsoft® Paint or Microsoft Photo Editor.