You are here: Utility menu > Setup Console > Client Access General Configuration > Client Access Security

Client Access Security

When setting up the client access system, there are a few steps that must be taken beyond the basic configuration and setup. The security rights must be in place for the contact to view the necessary information through the portal.

Quickly navigate to procedures included in this topic by clicking one of the links below:

To View the Client Access User Rights Template

To Create a New Template

To Copy and Modify an Existing Template

To View the Client Access User Rights Template

  1. On the Utility menu, click SETUP.
  2. In the Setup Console, click Security Administration. The security policy tab is displayed.

Important: Rules on the security policy tab that are marked with an asterisk do not apply to the client access portal

  1. Click the user rights templates tab. The template selections are displayed.

  1. In the navigation tree, click Client > Full Client Access. The template titled Full Client Access is the base template that contains full access for the client to all features in the Client Access portal.

Creating User Rights Templates for Client Access

The Full Client Access template gives rights to all functions in the Client Access portal. The Full Client Access template cannot be altered as it is the default template. If a more limited view of the portal is necessary for the client, templates can be created containing only the necessary rights. There are two ways to approach creating a new template:

  1. Add a new template and then select each of the rights that are desired. This approach is best if only a few rights will be necessary in the new template.
  2. Copy the Full Client Access template and then remove the rights that are undesirable. This approach is best if most of the base rights are necessary in the resulting template.

To Create a New Template

  1. On the Utility menu, click SETUP.
  2. In the Setup Console, click Security Administration. The security policy tab is displayed.
  3. Click the user rights templates tab. The template selections are displayed.

  1. On the user rights templates tab, click [Add]. The new template form is displayed.
  2. In the Template Name box, enter a name for the new template.
  3. In the Description box, enter a description for the template.
  4. In the Entity Type list, select Client. The associated Resource Groups are displayed.

  1. In the Resource Groups box, select each of the resource groups as necessary and then select the associated rights check boxes.
  2. Once all selections have been made, click Save on the Navigation Toolbar.


Click Cancel on the Navigation Toolbar to exit the template without saving changes.

Tip: See the following security topics for details about the client access portal specific rights:

  1. Client Access Announcements Security
  2. Client Access Attachment Security
  3. Client Access Card File Security
  4. Client Access Certificate Security
  5. Client Access Policies Security
  6. Client Access Proof of Coverage Security
  7. Client Access Quote Security
  8. Client Access Resource Center Security
  9. Client Access Summary of Insurance Security
  10. Client Access Verification Security

To Copy and Modify an Existing Template

  1. On the Utility menu, click SETUP.
  2. In the Setup Console, click Security Administration. The security policy tab is displayed.
  3. Click the user rights templates tab. The template selections are displayed.

  1. In the navigation tree, click Client > Full Client Access. The template titled Full Client Access is the base template that contains full access for the user to all features in the Client Access portal.
  2. Click [Copy]. The new template form is displayed along with the Resource Groups for the copied template.
  1. In the Template Name box, enter a name for the new template.
  2. In the Description box, enter a description for the template.

  1. In the Resource Groups box, select each of the Resource Groups and then clear the associated rights check boxes as necessary. See the Tip in the To Create a New Template section for information on specific security rights.
  2. Once all selections are complete, click Save on the Navigation Toolbar.


Click Cancel on the Navigation Toolbar to exit the template without saving changes.

Related Topics

Client Access General Configuration

Client Access Setup

Client Access Main Menu