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Lockbox Tab

Lockbox files are transferred daily from the bank provided software to Nexsure. The files are processed by Nexsure as they are received. If all information matches, the lockbox files will complete processing automatically. Notifications can be setup to alert a user to the success or failure of a lockbox file, batch or receipt. For more information on the notification setup, see Lockbox Notifications Tab.

To Navigate to the Lockbox Tab

  1. On the HOME menu, click INTERFACE.
  2. Click the lockbox tab. The lockbox summary tab is displayed.

  1. The Territory list is available to select either All territories or a single territory. The territories displayed are those to which the user has access.
  2. Showing Page: The Arrow   icons can be used to navigate through pages of search results.
  3. First Page  icon. 
  4. Previous Page icon.
  5. Next Page icon.
  6. Last Page icon.
  7. Page List: Click the Page List  arrow to open a list of all search results pages. Select the desired page number to open that page of search results.
  8. Search Filters: Click [Show] or [Hide] to toggle the Search Filters screen.
  9. Details : Displays all receipts included in the lockbox batch or deposit.
  10. Batch ID: A unique number assigned to each batch by Nexsure.
  11. Lockbox #: Established in setup as an additional identifier of the lockbox.
  12. Lockbox Name: Established in setup as an additional identifier of the lockbox.
  13. Territory: Identifies the book level organizational entity that is associated to the lockbox process.
  14. Deposit ID: A unique number assigned by Nexsure for the deposit created.
  15. Deposit Amount: The total of the amount of the deposit.
  16. Received Date: The date the lockbox batch is received.
  17. Imported By: The name of the Nexsure user.
  18. Status Count: The ratio is shown of exceptions / total number of receipts in the batch.
  19. % Complete: The amount of processing completed.
  20. Batch Status: Holding the pointer over the status will show the details of any errors. There are four possible batch statuses:

  1. Remove : Click the Remove icon to remove the lockbox item.

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Lockbox File Log