Nexsure® Release 3.9 (10-21-16)
| Enhancements | Resolved Issues | Previous Development |
- Add attachments to vendors in Nexsure (F6997)
- Updated ACORD 130 FL with added Individuals included/excluded overflow (F6109)
- Changes to interface screen: Add filters for assignment and bill method and display change amount (F8476)
- GL Transaction Detail XDR: Add GL Line Item Description (F8451)
- GL Transaction Detail XDR: Add Entity ID and Entity Type (F8545)
- Submission Log XDR: Add Estimated and Annualized Branch Fees (F8525)
- Submission Log XDR: Add filter to show marketing stage policies (F8536)
Resolved Issues
- Improve performance for Statement Entry process (D27304)
- Improve performance for Retail Agent Receivable Reconciliations (D26936)
- Transactional view on Client Transaction screen is doubling the Fees after the carrier Recon is posted (D27167 closed)
- Inactive employees should not show on units at risk employee summary (D27171)
- Kemper changed from Flat Base Wind/Hail Deductibles to Percent Deductibles and now doesn't show in Summary of Insurance and Fields don’t allow for decimal input so 1.5% rounds up to 2% on ACORD 80 (D27223)
- New Business Downloads creating a duplicate LOB on the policy when clicking the new business exception link and matching to existing policy (D27333)
- Allied/Nationwide eServices has a new login page (D27351)
- Harleysville eServices are stopping at login page (D27350)
- Making changes to policy header overwrites contact information in form (refires from CRM) (D27364)
- Associated ACORD 131 to Excess Liability LOB (D27147)
- NAIC not populating ACORD 24 certificate (D27276)
- Only equipment storage and scheduled equipment are migrating from the ACORD 146 to the ACORD 152 (D27305)
- Binders populating data from ACORD 101 instead of WC or ACORD 125 for Agency and Applicant (D27272)
- When deleting/adding/changing more than two vehicles, the change request overflow is not populated (D27347)
Office Integration
- Estimated Fee is not populating if there is only one fee and no annualized premium amount (D27172)
- Taxes on fees are being dropped from XML if amounts are the same (D27131)