Nexsure® Release 3.9.9 (10-20-17)
| Enhancements | Resolved Issues | Previous Development |
- Ability to select an employee's personal address when adding an Employee Disbursement transaction (F8152) (Reconciliation and Accounts Payable will be added in an upcoming release)
- On transactions menu Invoice Summary View, have Save Filter setting apply to 10/50/1000 filter (F9014)
- Un-check "Reverse Statement Entry Invoices" checkbox when reversing DB Carrier Recon (F8788)
Attachment Manager
- Attachment Manager - Ability to clear all filters (F9024)
- Ability to export from the Home Audits screen to Excel (F9015)
- Added Carrier Contact Name, Phone and Email to Carrier search screen (removed Location Type) (F9017)
- Support downloads for Premium Audits (F2919,F7623)
- Import DL Coverage Codes for Acadia (F8790)
- Import DL Coverage Codes for EMC (F8817)
- Import DL Coverage Codes for NBIC (F8799)
- Updated version of Ag forms (F8902)
- Updated version of Acord 402 (F8903)
- Added Status column to Assignment Audit - Retail Agent XDR Report (F8925)
- Added Adjustments, Description and Amount to SSRS RA Portal Remittance Advice so it matches the canned RA Remittance (F9028)
Training Videos
- Receive Carrier Payment
- Receive Client Payment
- Deposit
- Adding a Vendor
Resolved Issues
- Retail Agent Commission Carrier Default is not firing correctly on downloads (D27925)
- View Home Claims bookmark errors (D28125)
- Action message box not expanding when clicking on it from the Action Summary screen (D28185)
- ACORD 301 Flood Download Mapping Issues (D28095,D28100)
- Allied policy parsing causing policies not to be found (D28149)
- Company AZ DOT Number does not populate from NAIC code on AZ ID card (D28054)
- Line of Business filtering not working properly on Expiration XDR Report (D28078)