Nexsure® Release (1-21-2022)
| Enhancements | Resolved Issues | Previous Development |
REMINDER: In an October 2021 email, we announced March 31, 2022, as the “End of Life” date where we would no longer allow the use of Internet Explorer (IE) with Nexsure.
If not done already, to fully leverage Edge or Chrome, attention is required to migrate any existing Document Templates within Nexsure that you plan to continue to use beyond March 31, 20222.
For more information, including professional services options, contact the Support Team at
- Users can now back date a policy even if edits have been done to the policy. The policy can still not be back dated if there has been any accounting or any other servicing done aside from Edits
- When starting an Audit on a policy from the Context Tools, the default date of the Audit is now the Effective Date of the policy. Previously it would default to the current date
- When clicking an exception link within an InterfaceID, a display bar will appear showing basic policy information from the download to assist with the policy matching process
- Updated Download Coverage Codes for Grinnell Mutual
- Updated Download Coverage Codes for Plymouth Mutual
- The Save to Nexsure screen in eServices now allows users to search and attach to any client in Nexsure. Attachments can be added to Active or History policies as well as Active or Inactive Certificates. The attachment names within the Attachment Name Library can also be used to name the attachments
- PDF preview has been added to base forms and servicing forms. Previously when clicking into a policy, PDF preview by clicking the PDF icon was only available next to each Line of Business
- Updated the BOP Acord 160 form to the (2016/09) version
- Updated the New York Garage and Dealers Acord 138 form to the (2021/03) version
- Added the 5 Service Automation Subjects of Applications, B-day recognition, Cancellations, Certificates and Verifications to the Client Contact Report. The Subjects are the checkboxes on the People tab of a contact on a client showing what is enabled for Service Automation. The report will show if these boxes are checked or not
- Added the Receive Payment description to the Retail Agent Statement
- Added the Receive Payment description to the Retail Agent Accounts Receivable report
Resolved Issues
- Corrected an issue in which the Reason for Cancellation would revert to "Other" when the Save Changes link was clicked within the Pending Cancellation
- Corrected an issue in which users could not Batch Print from the Certificate Holders view on the Certificate Summary screen on a client
- Corrected an issue in which a space would be added in front of the first word within the Special Instructions field on a certificate when the DOO Library Lookup was used
- Corrected an issue in which an error would sporadically occur when clicking Delivery on the black menu bar on a Carrier
Document Management
- Edge and Chrome - Document Template fill-in character limitation corrected
- Edge and Chrome – Corrected a Document Template issue in which a policy that had an aborted edit was no longer available to select
- Corrected an issue in which the Coverage Template for ACORD 127 GA was not working properly
- Edge and Chrome - Corrected an issue in which clicking Accept in the pop-up window that opens during a form migration would not close the migration pop up window