Nexsure® Release (10-22-2021)
| Enhancements | Resolved Issues | Previous Development |
- Added a feature to have the Default GL Account added to Vendors at the Territory Level automatically pull in when issuing checks
- Added a "Posted - Exclude Reversals" option to the Post Status filter drop-down within Disbursements
- Added a "Receive Payment Details" option that is available when clicking Print while in the ‘Receive Payment Details’ section on the Quick Navigation Tree of a Received Payment. Selecting this option will print the line items shown on the ‘Receive Payment Details’ screen
- Each employee within their User Preferences can now select a default entity for searching. When a default is selected, a user logging into Nexsure and clicking Search or using the search option on the Nexsure Toolbar, will have the entity defaulted to the entity selected, i.e. Client, Retail Agent, etc.
- Users will now be prompted with a warning message if any changes were made to the header on a Marketing record and the user tries to leave the page without clicking the Save Changes link
- Shared Inboxes now bring in all emails addressed to that inbox
- Added the ability to associate a carrier email to any client or Retail Agent. Previously the carrier had to be on a policy on a client before the client’s name would be available for selection
- When an email is sent to a Shared Inbox and the contact is not in Nexsure, users now have the ability to associate the contact to the proper entity
- Added an "Include?" checkbox on the Attachments tab within a delivery in the users Inbox so all attachments can be selected or deselected by checking the Include? box
- When clicking a Client Exception link on a download, the system now defaults to searching for policy number by default. Previously, it would default to Client Name
- Added a new Additional Interest Report which can be found within the Report section under Operations -> Entities -> Other
- Added a column for PeopleID to the Client Contact report
- Added the “LOBFull Text” column to the Expiration Mailing report
Resolved Issues
- Corrected an issue in which the OK and Cancel buttons were reversed on the GL Lookup screens within Receipts and Disbursements
- Corrected an issue in which the "Printed to PDF" and "On" columns were updating when clicking the green button to view Disbursements, Invoices, Summary Bill and Remittance. Since the items are just being viewed, it should not have been updating these fields
- Corrected an issue in which an error would occur when exporting from the Accounting Transaction tab under the Bank Accounts tab when using Edge or Chrome
- Corrected an issue in which the # of Days option within the filters on the various Home Screens found under the Home Menu on the Nexsure Toolbar was not working
- Corrected an issue in Edge and Chrome that would occur when deleting any linked item on a form. When deleting an item, a pop-up may appear allowing you to check a box to remove a linked item. Checking the box and clicking OK would not close the pop up or remove the selected item
- Corrected an issue in which the Renumber function was not working within form schedules when using Edge or Chrome
- Corrected an issue in which clicking on a Billing Carrier exception within an InterfaceID, selecting a carrier in the pop-up window and clicking the Assign Billing Carrier link would not close the pop up or assign the carrier when using Edge or Chrome
- Corrected an issue with the Global Reassignment option when reassigning by Responsibility at the policy level, if an employee is on the assignment twice with different Responsibilities and has commissions on the policy info tab twice, one for each Responsibility, the name next to both Responsibilities under Other Commissions on the policy info screen would change when reassigning. It should now only change the one name next to the reassigned Responsibility
- Corrected an issue in which Fidelity Bond Activity Note downloads were stopping at LOB exceptions
- Corrected an issue in which emailing a Certificate of Insurance from the Portal would update the email address on the holder within Nexsure to the email address utilized within the Portal