Nexsure® Release (07-23-2021)
| Enhancements | Resolved Issues | Previous Development |
- Added the Effective Date and Policy Description to the policy drop down box that is available on the Add Attachment pop up when adding an attachment to a client/policy
- The Phone Number field on the Entity Search screen now returned both Location and Contact phone numbers. Previously only Location phone numbers were returned
- Added the ability to change the Title on a previously sent delivery at both the client and policy level Delivery screens
- Agraria Download Certification for Farm (as Home/Personal Umbrella/Inland Marine package) as well as Personal Umbrella, Inland Marine and Watercraft
- Added Carrier Contacts and Notes to the eService pop up window
- Added the ACORD 91 Good Student/Driver Training form as a Supplement to the ACORD 90
- Added 2 columns, Portal Login Status and Last Login Date along with a "Login Days Greater Than" filter to the Retail Agent Contacts report
Resolved Issues
- Corrected an issue in which the policy term no longer shows within the policy drop down box when the policy has a long policy description. Also switched the policy term with the policy description in the drop down box so the policy term displays before the policy description
- Corrected an issue in which on rare occasions an error would occur when accepting an email within the user's Inbox
- Corrected an issue in which commission download transactions would match to a policy in History with an Invalid Status. They should no longer match to policies that have Invalid as a Status
- Corrected an issue in which the Coverages Auto -> Liability-> Liability Type field was not populating correctly on Commercial Auto downloads for certain states
- Corrected an issue in which portal users were able to delete attachments added by the agency within Nexsure
- Corrected an issue in which the Employee Info report would return blank if a Branch, Region and/or Territory were selected within the filters