Nexsure® Release (06-25-2021)
| Enhancements | Resolved Issues | Previous Development |
Commission Downloads
- Added a feature in which all the invoices created from a Commission Download will be checked and the Pay All Selected executed for those checked items within a Recon created from the Commission Download
- Added a feature which will allow users to open multiple instances of a browser (not tabs) and be able to work the same way in each. Previously when two instances were opened, one instance could only be used for viewing
- Added the Policy Description to the policy drop down box which is used when associating a delivery to a policy within the Authenticated Email Inbox
- Updated the Agraria PUMB Coverage Codes
- Added the LOB Code of EXLIA to help avoid Activity Note exceptions
- Added the LOB Code of OCMRC to help avoid Activity Note exceptions
- Added the LOB Code of CFRM to help avoid Activity Note exceptions
- Added the LOB Code of UMBRL to help avoid Activity Note exceptions
- Added the LOB Code of BMISC to help avoid Activity Note exceptions
Resolved Issues
- Corrected an issue in which Carrier and Tax Authority disbursements are not allowing General Ledger line items over $999,999.99
- Corrected an issue in which the Renewal and Edit policy selection screen in Servicing only shows one Line of Business when policy is a package
- Corrected an issue in which an error would occur when populating an Additional Interest from the Org level on the Certificate Holders tab when the Additional Interest had a long address
- Corrected an issue in which .rtf files added as an attachment on a delivery were not able to be opened within the Authenticated Email Inbox
- Corrected an issue in which inline images sent as the only attachment within the delivery were not showing on the Attachment tab in the Inbox
- Corrected mapping issues for the ACORD 152 Equipment Floater on Liberty Mutual daily downloads
- Corrected an issue in which adding/removing vehicles on an endorsement was not populating the change request when endorsing the ACORD 127 IL form
- Corrected an issue in which the address block is cut off on the Retail Agent Statement (A/R)
- Corrected an issue in which the Remit To address is being cut off at the bottom on the Retail Agent Statement