Nexsure® Release (03-26-2021)
| Enhancements | Resolved Issues | Previous Development |
Important Notes:
1. Delete security has been added to web requests. If deleting requests is a concern for your operation, be sure to remove the right to delete web requests from Setup-> Security Administration-> User Rights templates in Nexsure.
2. New report Available: Client Portal Utilization Report (retail agent utilization coming next month)
- Added a drop-down filter to the Receipt screen on the Navigation Tree within a Deposit so 15, 50, or 100 items can be viewed on the page
- Changed the default date filters on the Disbursement, Receive Payment, and Reconciliation screens so the From date is blank and the To date will be the last day of the current month
- Added the variables below to delivery templates:
- Client Primary Contact primary email address
- Client Primary Contact primary phone number
- RA Primary Contact goes by name
- RA policy contact assignment namer
- Retail Agent Enterprise Code
- Updated the Allstate CL Coverage Codes
- Updated the Utica National BOP, CAUTO, and Work Comp download Coverage Codes
- Added Bill Method to the Expiration Mailing Report
- Added Bill Method to the Expiration Report
- Added a new Client Portal Utilization Report
- Added security to the Remove button within Web Requests on the Nexsure Dashboard so Web Requests cannot be deleted unless the appropriate rights are given
Resolved Issues
- Corrected an issue in which an Administrator was unable to post Statement Entry invoices to a locked period
- Corrected an issue within Deposits in which clicking the Include All Selected link on the header very quickly after selecting an item in Receipts on the Navigation Tree would keep increasing the Difference amount on the header
- Corrected an issue in which an error would occur when trying to reset the Retail Agent password when using a portal login page embedded in the client's website
- Corrected an issue within a Verification Card in which the Issue, Abort, and Save Changes links were not dimmed after the card was posted
- Corrected an issue in which not all the policies were showing when using the Utilities feature to add assignments to policies
- Corrected an issue in which the State Rating assignments on the Acord 130 CA were not correct for Hanover downloads
- Corrected an issue in which the Country was not populating the Claimant record on MSA Group Claim downloads
- Corrected an issue on the Actions report in which not all Retail Agents were showing
- Corrected an issue in which the Carrier Payables report, when filtered for Carrier Fully Paid = Fully Paid or All was only showing prepaid items. Now it shows all fully paid items where the Date Booked on the invoice is within the As Of parameter of the report