Nexsure® Release (02-19-2021)
| Enhancements | Resolved Issues | Previous Development |
- Added the ability to add attachments to an employee record
- Added security for the employee attachments feature
- LOB Aliases now display within the In Force section on the Client Card File screen
- Added a right click context tool, "Set to Re-Process", to Commission Downloads. When used it will reprocess the Commission Download so it will match to the latest iteration of the policy. An example of when this might be used is when an edit is done after the Commission Download has come in and matched to a policy
- Agraria Homeowners, Inland Marine and Dwelling Fire Certification
- Added a feature to pull the total from the Estimated Premium section on the Policy Info screen to the Estimated Total Premium Field on the ACORD 75
- Added Retail Agents to the Actions report
Resolved Issues
- Corrected an issue with Global Reassignments in which an error would occur when trying to reassign by Line of Business
- Corrected an issue in which an incoming email from a Retail Agent could not be assigned to a client unless the Retail Agent was at both the Client and Policy Level. Now the Retail Agent only needs to be assigned at the Client Level to associate to a client
- Corrected an issue with incoming Retail Agent emails. Previously if the FROM email address was on multiple Retail Agents it would associate to the first one found. Now it allows the user to select which one to associate to
- Corrected an issue in which Hartford eServices were not defaulting to Hartford
- Corrected an issue in which Mercury Homeowners Policy Inquiries were not completing
- Corrected an issue on the ACORD 127 NV form in which the Lookup link was inactive within the Vehicles schedule
- Corrected an issue in which endorsements were not populating all the data to the Acord 175 when using the ACORD 127 IL form
- Corrected an issue in which certain AI boxes checked on the Navigation Tree were not checked correctly on the printed ACORD 128 MI form
- Corrected an issue on the Client Production Mailing report in which the report would only return one client name if there were two clients with the same name
- Corrected an issue on the Production Mailing report in which it would, at times, double the amounts when the Primary filter was set to No and the Responsibility filter was set to Producer