Nexsure® Release (09-18-2020)
| Enhancements | Resolved Issues | Previous Development |
- Added Hartford Audit messages to Activity Note downloads
- Certification for Chubb Commercial Lines downloads
- Updated the ACORD 90 VT Personal Auto Application to the (2020/08) version
- Added enhancements to the Retail Agent Commission Statement which include consolidating multiple invoice line items to show only 1 line item per invoice number, changing the LOB long text to Nexsure’s LOB codes, using a LOB code of “PKGE” when an invoice has multiple Lines of Business, fixing alignment issues, omitting long GL routing numbers and showing only the 6-digit GL number, displaying “Return Commission Due” when the total adjustment amount causes the Total Recon amount to be negative
Resolved Issues
- Corrected an issue in which the scroll bar on the Client Level Action screen was hidden behind another scroll bar and could not be used
- Corrected an issue in which the Branch information was not pulling into Retail Agent Delivery Templates
- Corrected an issue in which eServices would sometimes not launch the first time it was tried
- Corrected an issue in which some workflows that needed to go to a new tab in the browser were not working
- Corrected an issue in which Policy, Billing or Claims inquires were not completing for Western Reserve
- Corrected an issue with Travelers in which some of the workflows were not completing
- Corrected an issue with Hartford in which PDF previews were causing an error
- Expanded the Rental Reimbursement Per Day field from 4 to 5 characters on the ACORD 90 for all States
- Corrected the order of the States within the States drop down on all ACORD forms
- Corrected an issue in which some of the coverages were not populating to the Binder when using the ACORD 90 GA form
- Corrected an issue on the Retail Agent Payables report that was showing the incorrect billed amount for DB Invoices
- Corrected an issue on the Legacy Book of Business report in which an error would occur when running the report for a carrier with an apostrophe in the name
- Corrected an issue on the GL Account Details report in which an error would occur when the account name searched had an apostrophe in the name