Nexsure® Release (07-24-2020)
| Enhancements | Resolved Issues | Previous Development |
- Added a "Clients Only" checkbox to the Employee Tab within the Workload Analysis section on the Dashboard. Checking this box will only return Clients and not Prospects or Suspects.
- Added a "Current Month" filter to the Client Workload, Retail Agent Workload and Employee Workload tabs within the Workload Analysis section on the Dashboard.
- Added PDF files on the Client Workload, Retail Agent Workload and Employee Workload tabs within the Workload Analysis section on the Dashboard explaining definitions and calculations on each tab. These can be opened by clicking the ? icon within each tab.
- Updated the Download Coverage Codes for Travelers Home Quantum 2.0
- Updated the Michigan Acord 127/137 form to the 2020/07 version
- Added the Acord 136 MI 2020/07 form
- Added a new General Ledger Account Summary Report
- Added the ability to edit report subscriptions
- Added the ability to send a subscribed report to a SFTP server
- Enhance the Aged Client Accounts Receivable report to show aging of residuals
- Added a new Personal Benefits Business Type group
Resolved Issues
- Users are now able to see Claims on Home or Client screens when the Allow Overrides box is checked on the Business Types tab on the user's Security Template. Previously, if the Allow Overrides box was checked, Claims would not show on the Home or Client screens.
- Corrected an issue in which some line items were showing $0 Total Revenue on the Workload Analysis section of the Dashboard
- Retail Agent Portal section of the Web Analysis section on the Dashboard now shows number of visits, etc., correctly. Previously, it was not updating this information.
- Corrected an issue in which Carriers sending Policy Wide Coverage codes within a certain section of the download file was creating an extra vehicle as opposed to populating the Policy Wide Coverage section
- Corrected an issue in which Quote Proposals from within the Mutual of Enumclaw eService session were not able to be previewed. They could only be saved to the user's desktop.
- Corrected an issue in which PDF files from within the Norfolk and Dedham eService session were not able to be previewed. They could only be saved to the user's desktop.
- Corrected an issue in which a Berkely One Policy Inquiry would log the user out of the main carrier window
- Corrected an issue with Farmers Union in which a Policy Inquiry would not complete
- Corrected an issue in which an Auto-Login workflow could not be created for Quincy Mutual
- Corrected an issue in which a policy search would not complete for Gulf Stream
- Corrected an issue in which the browser would ask the user to save an ICA file rather than launching Chubb
- Corrected an issue in which Employers Insurance would ask for an MFA code with every login. Now, it should ask the one time and not prompt the user again.
- Corrected an issue in which the Service Center information was not always showing on policies in the Portal
- Corrected an issue in which a subscription would not run for the first time on the start date of the subscription but rather it would first run as soon as the time (not the date) criteria was met