Nexsure® Release (05-22-2020)
| Enhancements | Resolved Issues | Previous Development |
- Added the Retail Agent Policy Contact Assignments located on the Assignment tab at the policy level to Policy Assignment tab within the Address Book
- Updated the Personal Auto ACORD 90 MN to the (2019/12) version
- Added the ACORD 63 Fraud Supplement to the Commercial Auto LOB
- Added Class Code and Class Code Designation columns to the Client Contact report
- Added a column to the Client Assignment Audit report to show whether Service Automation is Enabled or Disabled at the Client Level
- Added the ability to track when invoices are added, posted (including reversals), aborted and modified to the TLOG. The Memo section of TLOG will show the ClientID, PolicyID and InvoiceID, as well.
Resolved Issues
- Corrected an issue in which all the results found when searching were not exporting from the Home -> Expirations screen
- Corrected an issue in which an apostrophe in the From or To name causes draft emails to not show text or any attachment added
- Bankers Insurance Broadened Collision Coverage now goes to the ACORD 90MA as opposed to going to Additional Coverage Overflow as it did previously
- When a GL/Property Renewal download is applied to a GL monoline policy, it now creates the package with a Package Line Total line on the Policy Info screen. Previously, it would not add the Package Total line item.
- Corrected a mapping issue with the policy wide UM and UIM premiums on Auto Owners downloads so they now populate the Additional Coverage Overflow as they should
- Corrected an issue with the "View Policy" link within an Allstate eService session so that the link now works correctly. Previously, users were unable to click the link.
- Added a user friendly message when trying to use the "Save To Client" option after Nexsure has been closed
- Corrected an issue in which attachments saved using the "Save To Client" option that had a slash in the name would save but not open from the Attachment screens in Nexsure
- Corrected an error that would occur when trying to populate a claim on the ACORD 160 using the Populate icon
- Corrected an issue in which selecting the Subject of Insurance using the Lookup option would abbreviate the Subject of Insurance on form
- Corrected an issue in which some policies in history were not showing up on Policy Review report when the History filter was set to Yes to include history policies