Nexsure® Release (12-20-2019)
| Enhancements | Resolved Issues | Previous Development |
- Added a "Non-Renewals" filter to the Home -> Expiration screen so that Non-Renewal policies can be excluded from the search results
- Certification for Hanover eDoc downloads
- Certification for MIMIC eDoc downloads
- Added the new Acord 50 TX 01/2020 form
- Created a new Retail Agent Payables report to replace the previous Retail Agent Payables report. The new report also includes 2 new columns for Branch and Enterprise Code
Resolved Issues
- Uploading attachments to clients / policies in Nexsure, within the Portals, on Actions and within Attachment Manager all now have the same max upload file size of 25mb
- Corrected a typo with the word "Commercial" on the My Preferences screen located within the users My Profile screen
- Corrected an issue in which an error would occur when trying to deliver the Retail Agent Remittance Advice from within a recon
- Corrected an issue in which Liberty Mutual Claim Payment alerts were loading as Billing Note Actions
- Increased the email address field length on the ACORD 80
- Corrected an issue in which the Livestock ACORD 407 form would not print
- Corrected an issue on the Client Contact report so that only active contacts will show. Previously inactive contacts or contacts marked as Driver or Employee only where showing
- Corrected an error that occurred when running the Aged Client Accounts Receivable Detail report
- Corrected an issue with the Business Type security option. Previously when you selected certain Business Types to not be viewed you were still able to view and open attachments to policies that should have been excluded due to the Business Type security that was setup. Now attachments no longer show based upon the Business Type rules that are set.