Nexsure® Release (02-25-19)
| Enhancements | Resolved Issues | Previous Development |
- Security has been added to the Rate and Rate Type fields on the Policy Info tab and Invoices
- Updated download Coverage Codes for Illinois Casualty
- Updated download Coverage Codes for Travelers Quantum Home
- Updated download Coverage Codes for MSA Group
- Updated commercial download Coverage Codes for Motorists Mutual
- Added the ACORD 62 as a Supplement to the Acord 128 FL form
- Added the ACORD 65 MN as a Supplement for all MN Personal LOBs
- Introducing the new Reports User Interface which has a new look and new features including the ability to subscribe to reports and save XDR reports
Resolved Issues
- Previously when searching on the General Ledger tab the pagination would be incorrect if the Enter key was used instead of clicking the Search button. This has now been corrected so the correct results return using either method to invoke the search
Attachment Manager
- Corrected an issue in which the incorrect policy number was showing on a policy in Attachment Manager. This would only occur under one circumstance and only when a policy number was changed in the policy family
- An issue has been corrected that occurred when accepting a delivery with attachments. Previously in rare cases attachments added from that delivery would generate an error when trying to open from the Attachment screen
- Renewal Assemblies for the ACORD 21 now populate correctly
- Corrected an issue which rarely occurred in which daily downloads would not appear on Interface Screen after being imported
- Personal Lines policies now populate the Application Date on Binders
Rating Integration
- Corrected an issue when rating a Home LOB using Capital Evolution. Previously an error would be generated when launching the rater after clicking Bridge in Nexsure