Nexsure® Release (06-22-18)
| Enhancements | Resolved Issues | Previous Development |
- Added the ability to add default DOO wording to certificates. Various DOO wordings can be added in Setup and selected on the main DOO section of the certificate, on the holder DOO section and during the certificate renewal process (F8430)
- Added Coverage Codes for Berkley One Personal Inland Marine and Umbrella (F9245)
- Added Coverage Codes for QBE Insurance (F9299)
- Added Coverage Codes for FB Alliance (F9325)
- Home LOB downloads with Earthquake listed in a sub-section of the AL3 file will now come into Nexsure as an Earthquake LOB (D28599)
- Updated Coverage Codes for Frontline Managers (F9344)
- Added auto login for Crum and Forster binding (F9323)
- Added eServices for AUGold (F9324)
- Updated the ACORD Commercial Auto 127/137 NH form to the (2018/05) version (F9267)
- Updated the ACORD Commercial Auto 127/137 NV form to the (2015/12) version (F7265)
- Added Retail Agent Enterprise Code to the Invoice Production CRM Assignment XDR report (F9254)
Resolved Issues
- Error no longer occurs when clicking the details icon of a client in a List Bill plan (D28665)
- Invoice reversals are now reversing to the correct period when users have 2 security templates on their profile (Administrator and Admin No Post Locked) and logged in as Administrator. Previously when having this configuration and logging in as Administrator the reversals were booking in the current period. They now reverse to the locked period they were originally booked in (D28749)
- Time out error no longer received when searching on Employee Accounting Transactions tab (D28661)
- Users can now open .rtf files attached to an Action. Previously this file type would cause an error when trying to view (D28540)
- Users can now associate a certificate to an existing attachment. Previously this was not saving the certificate information (D28499)
- Clicking Bookmarks no longer errors when there is an apostrophe in User Rights Template name (D28620)
- Sorting of schedules now works correctly when Internet Explorer Compatibility View is enabled (D28456)
- MVR fees now show as a single transaction within a download on the Interface Screen so users can view the MVR fee amount (D28369)
- Transactions without a client name are now visible within a Commission Download on the Interface Screen (D28702)
- Assurant Specialty Floodpro eServices no longer stop early (D28684)
- AM Best Auto Login is now working correctly (D28705)
- Cincinnati Commercial Lines eServices now go to Stellar (D28679)
- Selecting either Comp or Comp OTC on the Acord 127/137 now populates to the ACORD 175 (D28419)
- ACORD 140 Deductible Amount now allows a decimal when percent is chosen for Deductible Type (D28598)
- Added ACORD 139 Statement of Values as a Supplement to the DIC Commercial LOB (D28597)
- Download Additional Coverage Endorsement Schedule now populates the ACORD 175 Change Request (D28687)
- Insured Street Address, City, State, Zip Code now populates the ACORD 25 from the License and Permit Bond LOB (D28748)
Office Integration
- Error no longer occurs when attempting to create a Word Doc using the ACORD 90 MA form (D28712)
- Pre-payments are now being reported correctly on Retail Agent Statements (D28521)
- Line 2 of the description from a Tax Authority or Carrier Recon is now included on the check stub of the disbursement reports (D28530)
- Invoice Production CRM Assignment XDR report no longer shows advance payment invoices (D28711)