Nexsure® Release (02-16-18)
| Enhancements | Resolved Issues | Previous Development |
- Added View security rights (located under the "Dashboard" Resource Group on the Security Templates) for Web Requests, Web Analysis and Workload Analysis
- Added American Reliable download coverage codes for Home, Dwelling Fire and Motor Home LOB's (F9190)
- Added auto-login for Mennonite Mutual (F9191)
- Added auto-login for FastComp (F9193)
- Added eServices for Grand River Insurance (F9192)
- Updated the ACORD 90 TX to the 2015/12 version (F8339)
- Updated the ACORD 90 CO to the 2015/12 version (F8340)
- Updated the ACORD 90 WA to the 2015/12 version (F8353)
- Updated the ACORD 90 IL to the 2015/12 version (F8354)
- Updated the ACORD 90 MO to the 2015/12 version (F8355)
- Updated the ACORD 52 NV to the 2016/01 version (F8344)
- Updated the ACORD 131 to the 2017/11 version (redeployment from the January Service Pack Release)
- Added terminal information columns to the Terminal Summary View on the Acord 143 (F9144)
Resolved Issues
- Disbursements with brackets in the Payee Name can now be seen in bank reconciliation transactions (D28296)
- Policies with an ampersand in the policy number now show when the results are returned when searching in the TLOG (D28370)
- Nexsure embedded training now working properly on both the login screen and within Nexsure (D28431)
- When creating a Binder, the "Coverage term cannot be outside the policy term" message no longer appears when entering a valid date on the Servicing screen (D28360)
- Motorists Insurance eServices are no longer stopping at the login page (D28447)
- CA State Compensation Fund eServices are no longer stopping at the login page (D28464)
- Additional Interest Description is now populating to the Change Request when endorsing an Oregon CAUTO policy (D28290)
Office Integration
- Additional Coverage Endorsement is now available on XML tree when creating a Document Template in Setup (D28449)