Nexsure® Release (11-17-17)
| Enhancements | Resolved Issues | Previous Development |
- Ability to back date first iteration of a policy if it has not been invoiced. NOTE: You will need to give Allow Override rights next to Policies under the Policy Resource Group to allow this functionality (F9042)
- User preference option that allows the ability to have Certificates and Auto ID cards printed in all caps (F9040)
- Ability to mark a policy as primary (will be used in the future for specific Service Automation notifications) (F9041)
- Policy Description field is now editable at all times (F8690)
- Added status column to Named Insured export to show Active/Inactive (F6909)
- Added auto-login for UmbrellaPro (F9073)
- Added eServices for Northern Mutual (F9038)
- Updated ACORD 80 HO 2016/11 (F8782)
- Ability to enter pennies on deductibles on ACORD 80 (F8783)
- Updated ACORD 82 Watercraft 2016/03 (F9043)
Training Videos
- Carrier Reconciliation
- Commission Download
- GL Numbers
- Add Employee
- Single Invoice
- Installment Billing
- Employee Reassignment
- Client Reconciliation/write off
Resolved Issues
- Error received when selecting a saved Campaign (D28089)
- Unable to remove associated location after clicking details icon and the delete link (D27919)
- Auto-Owners Commercial downloads CSL Liability Coverage to BI field on ACORD 127/137FL (D28058)
- Allied property download mapping fixes (D27585)
- Pemco PAUTO download mapping fixes (D27800)
- Cincinnati PAUTO download mapping fixes (D27801)
- QBE PAUTO download mapping fixes (D27802)
- Redirect ACE Abiz eServices to Chubb (D28225)
- Updated United Fire login URL (D28226)
- Auto-Owners eServices requires logout before successive eServices (D28227)
- Auto Club eServices stopping at login page (D28168)
- Hastings Mutual eServices policies not parsing correctly (D28167)
- American Collectors eServices are stopping at the login page (D28247)
- Updated Main Street America login URL (D28248)
- Suppress page #'s function not working (D27169)
- ACORD 152 Equipment Floater does not provide the list of equipment to select and populate to the Evidence and Property Certificates (D27914)
- Data flow not working from CAUTO MI to Acord 2 (D28187)
- Agriculture Property form group incorrectly renamed Agriculture Scheduled Property (D28208)
- ACORD 404 Ag liability to ACORD 25 dataflow issues (D28205)
- ACORD 402 premises info/locations lookup to accord 401 isn't set up and the form group is labeled wrong (D28204)
Rating Integration
- Workers Compensation Rating Integration with Hartford ICON not working (D28112)
- Carrier Payables XDR out of balance with GL due to pre-payments to carrier (D27067)
- Renewal Premium Analysis XDR Report is crossing GL and Property Monoline policies between policy terms (D28101)
- Expirations XDR report displaying policy multiple times for package policies (D28206)