Nexsure® Release 3.9.7 (08-25-17)
| Enhancements | Resolved Issues | Previous Development |
- Make Coverage Templates available on Future Status policies (F8900)
- When adding a new user, default users view to Modern (F8916)
- Add the ability to create a new contact record from an incoming Carrier or Retail Agent email when the email domain already exists in the system (F8861)
- Add Coverage Effective Date as a Delivery Template variable (F8934)
- Add auto-login for Liberty International Underwriters (F8978)
- Add auto-login for Insure My Equipment (F8977)
- Updated Commercial Auto form 127/137 VA (F8558)
- Updated Commercial Auto form 127/137 MD (F8559)
- Updated Commercial Auto form 127/137 DC (F8560)
Resolved Issues
Commission Downloads
- Commission Downloads are allowing Retail Agent to get paid more than Agency. Exception added. (D27841)
- Selecting Deactivate to terminate an employee isn't working (D27998)
- When terminating an employee, remove their log in and security (D27274)
- Verification Summary from the context menu on the search screen is not displaying unless you are an Administrator (D27492)
- When clicking the Print Schedule link on a Summary of Insurance, the entire summary prints rather than just the schedule (D27788)
- For IE11 users, printers not showing in batch print drop down when Compatibility View is not enabled in Internet Explorer (D27891)
- The Issuing Carrier is not updating on Progressive Renewal downloads (D27953)
- Allied CAUTO skipping rows when records come into Nexsure (D28060)
- Safeco eServices stopping at producer selection (D28075)
- Commercial name not prefilling new claims forms correctly (D28002, D28035)
- Driver Date of Birth does not populate ACORD 175 change request from the ACORD 127/137 OR Commercial Auto (D27824)
- Balance Sheet XDR report times out (D28046)