Nexsure® Release 3.9.6 (07-21-17)
| Enhancements | Resolved Issues | Previous Development |
- Ability to mass close Actions from Home Screen (F8822)
- Ability to use asterisk and plus sign in Client and Retail Agent names (F8714, F8651)
- Updated download coverage codes for Utica National Commercial Lines LOB's (F8864)
- Add eServices for Pearl Holdings Group (F8918)
Resolved Issues
- Download Default of Use % of Premium instead of flat when calculating the commission rate was not working in all instances (D27858)
- Fremont Insurance eServices are stopping at the login page (D28009)
- GNY Insurance Company has changed their login page (D28010)
- Dovetail Exchange eServices are stopping early (D28011)
- Need options for both AIG Private Client Group and Premier Solutions Group Policy Inquiry (D28012)
- Republic Indemnity eServices are stopping early (D28013)
- Johnson and Johnson policy inquiry is stopping early (D28015)
- Add ezPay option for United States Liability eServices (D28016)
- Update login URL for Old Republic Surety (D28017)
- Update login URL for Insurance Noodle (D28018)
- American Collectors eServices are stopping at the login page (D28014)
- Agriculture ACORD 401 to 402 and 404 do not have Lookup active to one another (F8901)
- Agriculture ACORD 402 Heat Type changes; add oil and gas and correct spelling of kerosene (F8904)
- Agriculture ACORD 401 Named Insured field does not match the length of the Named Insured field on other forms (F8906)
- ACORD 28 Branch name dataflow from ACORD 125 is truncating at 20 characters (D27915)
- Renewals for older version of ACORD 90FL are failing due to form migration issue (D27881)
- Adding CUMB ACORD 131 to ACORD 30 Garage Certificate generates error and coverages do not pre-fill (D27860)
- Expand code field to 5 digits on Agriculture ACORD Form 404 (D27962)
- Older Work Comp ACORD 130 form migration target is empty (D27999)
- Client Portal restricted word search using "contains" logic so restricted word of "AI" is restricting any word with AI in it (i.e. Claim) (D27880)
- GL Direct Transactions portion of the “Reconciliation Clearing Reconciliation XDR” report should not only exclude carrier receipts but also needs to exclude carrier disbursements (D27825)