Nexsure® Release 3.9.2 (01-20-17)
| Enhancements | Resolved Issues | Previous Development |
- Ability to add attachment from Document Library to Delivery Templates so that the attachment is automatically added when that particular template is selected (F7773)
- Updated Donegal Mutual Commercial Package Coverage Codes (F8623)
- Updated Nationwide/Allied PAUTO and Home Download Coverage Code (F8645)
- Added ACE stand-alone Watercraft Download Coverage Codes (F8653)
- Add eServices for NAS Insurance (F8677)
- Add eServices for Gulfstream Property and Casualty (F8686)
- Added ACORD 832 Misc Errors and Omissions (F8356)
- Added ACORD 838 Accountants Professional Liability (F8359)
Resolved Issues
- Performance improvements when selecting View Invoices from Interface Screen (D27463)
- Stored procedure for Lockbox optimized (D27531)
- Retail Agent Receive Payment performance improvements (D27515)
- Searching for an email address with the @ sign on the Search screen says special characters are not accepted (D27236)
- Selective CPROP downloads are not populating Subject of Insurance records (D27264)
- ACORD shows a code of INMRC for commercial Inland Marine but Nexsure is looking for IMRC (D27372)
- Allied Personal Umbrella policy numbers are not parsing correctly (D27491)
- Update BerkelyNet login page (D27526)
- Philadelphia Insurance Companies eServices are stopping at the login page (D27525)
- Pekin eServices are stopping at the login page (D27591)
- Policy parsing not correct for some MetLife policies (D27590)
- ACORD 140 Subjects of Insurance information does not flow to binder for latest form (D27239)
- Added State to WC rating schedule (D27500)
- When user selects Tail Coverage LOB/Tail Coverage custom form (Custom065) GL LOB shows on policy not Tail LOB (D27536)
- Certificate - Error when doing an ACORD 25 or a 23 for 127FL LOB (D27553)
- Recon Clearing XDR issue with CSV export showing incorrect information (D27226)
- Renewal Premium Analysis XDR report does not work if the renewed policy is in history (D27012)
- Direct Bill Commission Receivable report fails when selecting Received From Carrier in Sort Field 2 (D27199)
- Marketing Policies report fails when using specific sorts for Sort Field 2 (D25354)
- Global Activity default search filters don't actually return the selected search when page is first selected, you have to select search in order for results to be returned that match that default criteria. Changed default filters at reports summary so that results match filter criteria (D12854)