Nexsure® Release 3.8 (09-23-16)
| Enhancements | Resolved Issues | Previous Development |
- Add ability to change payee and payee address on check (F8168)
- Add ability to create and post deposit inside receive payment (F7878)
- Change binder dataflow on ACORD 80 Applications (homeowners, condo and tenant) to populate actual first page of binder, not the binder overflow as it does now (F8520)
- Change date flow from dwelling fire to binder to populate first page of binder, not overflow form (F8521)
- Add time to action reports (F8411)
Resolved Issues
- Fully consumed receipts are still showing on Customer Statement report (D26472)
- Client Balance Detail view in Transactions is not reflecting Disbursement line items causing a discrepancy between Balance Detail and Customer Statement (D27149)
- Home Binder Log: Bound No Open Binder View inconsistent search results (D27206)
- Renewed policies with posted and issued certificates are not available to select for Renewal Certificates (D27159)
- Workload analysis auto ID volume stuck at zero (D27110)
- Error received when sender replies to their own incoming message (D27195)
- Download status message is not updating after prior term policy is selected for renewal (D27120)
- When download moved to a new client, it still shows as pending status (D26984)
- Non-Downloaded LOB not copied from renewing policy at Renewal (D27179)
- Commission DL's getting stuck on invoice creation (D27217)
- Commission DL's getting stuck on recon creation (D27218)
- Update to eServices for Illinois Casualty (D27192)
- Update to eServices for 123OCP (D27192)
- CNA Bondline eServices stopping early (D21784)
- FCCI eServices stopping early (D21784)
- ACORD 27 not populating Deductible on the correct line (D27112)
- Lookup from general liability lob form to 125 base form for producer not working (D27021)
- Error when sorting on rating section of Work Comp ACORD 130 (D26730)
- Overflow form not pulling for EPLIU ACORD 188 which causes an error (D26186, D26574)
- Subject of insurance lookup popup missing ok and cancel command buttons on the ACORD 140 (D26422)
- Flag fields to display on Summary of Insurance and Binder Overflow for the new ACORD 152 (D27231)
- Paging issue on individual report summary screens - not showing all reports (D26282)